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Re: [ajdt-dev] Call for vote: commit rights on AJDT for Sian January and Helen Hawkins


Andy Clement
AspectJ/AJDT Committer

Adrian Colyer/UK/IBM@IBMGB
Sent by: ajdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

16/12/2004 17:03

Please respond to

[ajdt-dev] Call for vote: commit rights on AJDT for Sian January and Helen Hawkins

Both Sian and Helen have been working full-time on AJDT development for
the last 5-6 months. I would like to call for a vote on giving them commit
rights to the AJDT tree.  Their contributions are outlined below and  the
rising standard and feature set of AJDT over this period are testament to
their good work.

Please respond to this list with your votes,
Thanks, Adrian.



- Fixed various bugs and resolved others through testing on updated
builds etc.  Also raised bugs when encountered, providing good
descriptions and reproducible test cases where possible. Bugs fixed

41047 - Visualiser should display file boundaries in package view.
41709 - Document's outline focus is different to JDT's.
42957 - AJDT Syntax highlighting broken in Eclipse 3.0M3.
43622 - Multiple aspects difficult to manage in the Visualiser.
44252 - Link to User Guide on Welcome page doesn't work.
48624 - Aspect Visualiser fails with linked folders.
54008 - An aspect with a main method cannot be run via the 'Run' menu.
61679 - Editors and outline view get screwed up when "close editors
automatically" is enabled.
62626 - Export as plugin doesn't not work for AspectJ projects.
67584 - Aspect Visualizer loses scroll position on resize.
70658 - Advised by gutter annotation & context menu missing.
71626 - Visualiser should show declared errors and warnings.
71718 - Setting breakpoints with the keyboard does not work.
71777 - Inpath option does not work if project contains no files.
71934 - Export as JAR does not work correctly.
72368 - Add a colour memory for the Visualiser.
74062 - Export as JAR fails when some files are not on the build path.
75373 - Problem markers created by other builders on Java resources get
75392 - Visualiser does not always refresh after a build.
76061 - Right-click "advised by" menu sometimes causes an error.
77296 - Visualiser double click does not work with .aj files.
77297 - Visualiser shows duplicate entries with multiple source folders.
78263 - Creation of a new AJ project should cause prompt perspective
78831 - Move the 3 compiler settings from AspectJ properties page to
AspectJ Compiler page.

- Also worked on bug 78378 - enabling the Java editor to be used for
java files.

- Worked on the original Visualiser, and also on the new implementation
and porting AJDT to it.

- Wrote the Visualiser help system.

- Re-did all the icons when AJDT switched to Eclipse 3.0 and created
several more since then.

- Updated the AJDT user guide for 1.1.11, 1.1.12, 1.2.0 M1 and 1.2.0 M2
and the FAQ for 1.2.0 M1.

- Added different kinds of advice marker so that the type of advice is
displayed in the margin and also
added support for different kinds of advice icons in the outline view.

- Worked on the preferences configuration wizard for 1.2.0 M2

- Worked on the AspectJ Project properties pages

- Added ITD gutter annotations and ITD support in the Visualiser.

- Added AspectJ launch support for main methods in aspects and

- Added plugin export and jar export wizards with AspectJ support.

- Added a dialog and menu actions for renaming file extensions from .java
to .aj and vice-versa.

- Contributed automated and manual tests for the AJDT and Visualiser
projects and participated in testing for 1.1.11, 1.2.0 M1 and 1.2.0 M2

- Answered newsgroup and mailing list posts and worked with users
off-line where appropriate.


Bug fixes:

76811 - AJDT's project property pages do not behave like JDT's
74174 - Changing a non-source file in the root directory of an AspectJ
project causes a full build
73859 - changing the aspect path etc. should trigger a rebuild
73247 - project dependencies between plugin projects
72969 - Reference projects in main project get changed to /bin
71371 - Projects which depend on binary projects have the project
dependency changed to a class folder dependency
70288 - AJDT-enabled plugin projects lead to build problems of dependend
plugin projects
48518 - Incremental Compilation Problem for library Abstract Aspect in Jar
43674 - Project dependendy on project that creates an outjar
39212 - No autobuild when referenced (input) jar file changes


- Contributed the XRef plugin - Cross References View for M2
- Wrote the AspectJ Cheat Sheet
- Wrote the Welcome Pages for Eclipse 3.0
- Converted all plugins to be Eclipse 3.0 plugins and removed all uses of
deprecated methods
- Created the test plugin, converted the old tests to fit into the new
structure and set up the test infrastructure
- Moved the AspectJ documentation to the ajde plugin
- Other Builder work: enabling build cancelling and continuing to move our
builder to behave more like the java one (resource copying etc)
- Contributed junit tests and manual tests both for bug fixes, new
features and existing functionality
- Helped test the AJDT versions before we released
- Responded to Newsgroup and mailing list postings, as well as newly
raised bugs, both on and off line where appropriate.
- Raised bugs against AJDT when necessary
- Raised bugs and enhancements against JDT where appropriate e.g.
       - 79056 - Enabling other builders to create a state.dat which the
JavaBuilder understands
       - 79056 - Providing an extension point to enable other plugins to
use the inplace feature

-- Adrian
ajdt-dev mailing list

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