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Re: [ajdt-dev] Call for vote: commit rights on AJDT for Sian January and Helen Hawkins


I've applied most of their patches, so I can vouch for their consistently 
high quality. AJDT would be nowhere near where it is today without their 
extensive contributions.


ajdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 16/12/2004 17:03:58:

> Both Sian and Helen have been working full-time on AJDT development for 
> the last 5-6 months. I would like to call for a vote on giving them 
> rights to the AJDT tree.  Their contributions are outlined below and the 

> rising standard and feature set of AJDT over this period are testament 
> their good work.
> Please respond to this list with your votes,
> Thanks, Adrian.
> +1
> Sian:
> =======
>  - Fixed various bugs and resolved others through testing on updated 
> builds etc.  Also raised bugs when encountered, providing good 
> descriptions and reproducible test cases where possible. Bugs fixed 
> include:
> 41047 - Visualiser should display file boundaries in package view.
> 41709 - Document's outline focus is different to JDT's.
> 42957 - AJDT Syntax highlighting broken in Eclipse 3.0M3.
> 43622 - Multiple aspects difficult to manage in the Visualiser.
> 44252 - Link to User Guide on Welcome page doesn't work. 
> 48624 - Aspect Visualiser fails with linked folders.
> 54008 - An aspect with a main method cannot be run via the 'Run' menu.
> 61679 - Editors and outline view get screwed up when "close editors 
> automatically" is enabled.
> 62626 - Export as plugin doesn't not work for AspectJ projects.
> 67584 - Aspect Visualizer loses scroll position on resize.
> 70658 - Advised by gutter annotation & context menu missing.
> 71626 - Visualiser should show declared errors and warnings.
> 71718 - Setting breakpoints with the keyboard does not work.
> 71777 - Inpath option does not work if project contains no files.
> 71934 - Export as JAR does not work correctly.
> 72368 - Add a colour memory for the Visualiser.
> 74062 - Export as JAR fails when some files are not on the build path.
> 75373 - Problem markers created by other builders on Java resources get 
> deleted.
> 75392 - Visualiser does not always refresh after a build.
> 76061 - Right-click "advised by" menu sometimes causes an error.
> 77296 - Visualiser double click does not work with .aj files.
> 77297 - Visualiser shows duplicate entries with multiple source folders.
> 78263 - Creation of a new AJ project should cause prompt perspective 
> switch.
> 78831 - Move the 3 compiler settings from AspectJ properties page to 
> AspectJ Compiler page.
>  - Also worked on bug 78378 - enabling the Java editor to be used for 
> .java files.
>  - Worked on the original Visualiser, and also on the new implementation 

> and porting AJDT to it.
>  - Wrote the Visualiser help system.
>  - Re-did all the icons when AJDT switched to Eclipse 3.0 and created 
> several more since then.
>  - Updated the AJDT user guide for 1.1.11, 1.1.12, 1.2.0 M1 and 1.2.0 M2 

> and the FAQ for 1.2.0 M1.
>  - Added different kinds of advice marker so that the type of advice is 
> displayed in the margin and also
> added support for different kinds of advice icons in the outline view.
>  - Worked on the preferences configuration wizard for 1.2.0 M2
>  - Worked on the AspectJ Project properties pages
>  - Added ITD gutter annotations and ITD support in the Visualiser.
>  - Added AspectJ launch support for main methods in aspects and 
> aspectpaths.
>  - Added plugin export and jar export wizards with AspectJ support.
>  - Added a dialog and menu actions for renaming file extensions from 
> to .aj and vice-versa.
>  - Contributed automated and manual tests for the AJDT and Visualiser 
> projects and participated in testing for 1.1.11, 1.2.0 M1 and 1.2.0 M2 
> releases.
>  - Answered newsgroup and mailing list posts and worked with users 
> off-line where appropriate.
> Helen:
> ==========
> Bug fixes:
> 76811 - AJDT's project property pages do not behave like JDT's
> 74174 - Changing a non-source file in the root directory of an AspectJ 
> project causes a full build
> 73859 - changing the aspect path etc. should trigger a rebuild
> 73247 - project dependencies between plugin projects
> 72969 - Reference projects in main project get changed to /bin
> 71371 - Projects which depend on binary projects have the project 
> dependency changed to a class folder dependency
> 70288 - AJDT-enabled plugin projects lead to build problems of dependend 

> plugin projects
> 48518 - Incremental Compilation Problem for library Abstract Aspect in 
> 43674 - Project dependendy on project that creates an outjar 
> 39212 - No autobuild when referenced (input) jar file changes
> Also:
> - Contributed the XRef plugin - Cross References View for M2
> - Wrote the AspectJ Cheat Sheet
> - Wrote the Welcome Pages for Eclipse 3.0
> - Converted all plugins to be Eclipse 3.0 plugins and removed all uses 
> deprecated methods
> - Created the test plugin, converted the old tests to fit into the new 
> structure and set up the test infrastructure
> - Moved the AspectJ documentation to the ajde plugin
> - Other Builder work: enabling build cancelling and continuing to move 
> builder to behave more like the java one (resource copying etc)
> - Contributed junit tests and manual tests both for bug fixes, new 
> features and existing functionality
> - Helped test the AJDT versions before we released
> - Responded to Newsgroup and mailing list postings, as well as newly 
> raised bugs, both on and off line where appropriate.
> - Raised bugs against AJDT when necessary
> - Raised bugs and enhancements against JDT where appropriate e.g. 
>         - 79056 - Enabling other builders to create a state.dat which 
> JavaBuilder understands
>         - 79056 - Providing an extension point to enable other plugins 
> use the inplace feature
> -- Adrian
> Adrian_Colyer@xxxxxxxxxx
> _______________________________________________
> ajdt-dev mailing list
> ajdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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