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RE: [ajdt-dev] AJDT 1.2.0M2 released

Nicolas Corai <nicolas.corai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 14/12/2004 
> Pretty cool. AJDT is obviously making great strides toward becoming a 
> matured development tool.

That's the plan :)
> In the meantime, I started to depend more and more on the Java editor in
> Eclipse so replacing it with an always trailing AJDT editor for Java 
> didn't seem enticing. So congrats, you guys seem to have finally solved 
> first problem concerning Aspects and Eclipse.

The AJDT editor should have pretty much "caught up" with the Java editor, 
but of course it is a better situation to be able to stick with the Java 
editor for pure Java files.

> The second problem is that our product is multi-project and several 
> thousand lines long: incremental compilation with Aspects enabled was 
> too slow at the time. Is making incremental compilation faster a 
> for the next releases? How many more milestones to AJDT 1.2?

Yes, there are definitely further improvements to be made with incremental 
compilation, which should make it into the next milestone release. Which 
means there will be an M3. If we get enough done in that we'll then go on 
to release candidate builds. I do want to get to a solid 1.2.0 final as 
soon as realistically possible.



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