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[ajdt-dev] AJDT: Recent progress and upcoming releases

Hi everyone,

I'd like to tell you all how things are going with AJDT, and what to
expect in the near future. Regular followers might well be predicting a
1.1.13 release soon, and we have even suggested as much in some bug
reports etc. Instead, I'm pleased to say that the next release will be
1.2.0M1. Following the Eclipse versioning system, this means the first
milestone build, which implies a possible level of instability, somewhat
akin to a beta release. That being said, all 1.2.0 releases including
milestone builds will be built to high standards with a growing set of
manual and automated tests, so the goal will be for existing functionality
to be at least as stable, without regressions, and for new functionality
to be as well tested as possible. We expect to need only a small number of
milestone builds before reaching 1.2.0 final.

The really good news is the number of enhancements that will be in just
this first milestone build, which is due in a couple of weeks time. The
full details will be in the "new and noteworthy" release notes, but to
summarise there will be many improvements to bring the AJDT experience
much closer to that of Eclipse's JDT, including things like code
completion, formatting, and organise imports, plus several new wizards,
and significant enhancements to the visualiser.

Some of you may have heard of the codename 'Lancaster', and the 1.2.0
release is essentially Lancaster, although we have now come to think of
Lancaster as the investigations into how to achieve the closer integration
with JDT which is needed for much of the functionality mentioned above.
The 1.2.0 codebase is an evolution of the 1.1.x codebase rather than a
completely new codebase, and as well as seeing much restructuring and
development this codebase also incorporates code and ideas from the
Lancaster work. Also of note is the fact that the 1.2.0 plugins are
AspectJ projects, and all AJDT 1.2 releases will be developed using AJDT

If you access the AJDT sources from CVS, please look out for a post on the
ajdt-dev list soon with details of the new locations, as we finish getting
the repository sorted out. For the brave, we are also now publishing our
development builds on a special update site. Again, details will be posted
to ajdt-dev. The AJDT website is out of date in places, and so we will be
tidying that up over the coming weeks.

Finally, *you* make AJDT what it is. Please keep the feedback coming,
along with detailed bug reports, enhancement requests and patches.


Matt, and the AJDT team.

Matt Chapman, mchapman@xxxxxxxxxx
AJDT Development,

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