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[ajdt-dev] New CVS locations


Here is the latest CVS location information for AJDT.

The main source directories are now:
        org.eclipse.ajdt/AJDT1.2src       - the latest code for 1.2.0M1
        org.eclipse.ajdt/AJDT1.1src       - the old 1.1.12 tree

All current development is now taking place in CVS HEAD in the 1.2 tree. 
The 1.1 tree is mainly for reference, and in case we need to do a 1.1.13 
bug fix update in the future.

There are a number of other source tress under org.eclipse.ajdt, and these 
will be cleaned up a little soon. Some will be kept for reference, others 
can probably be deleted.



Matt Chapman, mchapman@xxxxxxxxxx
AJDT Development, 

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