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Re: [4diac-dev] Retiring the old FORTE C++ Exporter

On Thu, 2020-05-28 at 21:03 +0200, Jörg Walter wrote:
> Hi,
> On 27.05.20 20:24, Alois Zoitl wrote:
> > In order to find the last nitty gritty issues in the new C++ exporter I would like to remove the old exporter from the exporter list on the nightly build of
> > 4diac FORTE. So anybody working with nightly build please have a second look on the generated C++ code. If you have interesting blocks with corner cases -- I'm
> > looking for example towards Martina and Jörg -- please give it a tryand let me know if you encounter issues.
> I already tried the new exporter and did not encounter issues with the
> exporter itself
I'm definitely happy to hear that.

> -- but I did encounter issues with the new workflow
> using the merge tool, which is why I continue using the old exporter. My
> build environment does a 3-way-merge on top of that, which means that mos.

I'm not sure if I understand that, because the new and old exporter use the same infrastructure and should use the same merge tool

> A simple side-by-side comparison is insufficient, as it does not make
> clear which changes are user changes and which changes are due to
> interface changes, code generator changes, and the like. I really
> struggled creating a working output file.
> I do appreciate the effort, however, and I think this is exactly the
> right direction, it just needs to be a 3-way-merge (old unedited file
> vs. new unedited file vs. old file with user-edits). Does the merging
> plugin support that?

Would be hard if you don't have the old unedited file. Where should 4diac IDE get that from?
Furthermore the Eclipse merge tool which we are using currently only supports a two way merge. I don't know how to change this.



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