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Date: 2019-05-07


  • Dmitry

  • Kenji

  • Kevin

  • David

  • Ivar

Action Items

Reviewed, discussed and updated the GitHub Issues,

Jakarta EE 8

Scope Statements

Scope statements for the API projects must be produced in order to be able to convert them into Specification Projects.

  • Create a couple of examples and refer to them on the eclipse wiki (Ivar and Wayne)

  • Create an issue for each project with tasks for creating scope statements (Ivar)

  • Set up a board to follow the status of scope statements on GitHub (Ivar)

  • Reach out to projects to create their scope statements (PMC)

  • Wayne will email project leads

  • Get approval from the Spec Committee for the scope statements

  • Verify that the list is complete (Ivar)

  • Progress on names and scope statements

  • PMC will follow up

  • Request steering committee to explain why names must change

Use the traction on the platform mailing list to encourage scope statements to be proposed. Ivar will post a new thread.

Names may be influenced by package names.

Specification Names

Specifications (and the specification projects) must be renamed in order to be converted into Specification Projects.

  • Set up board to follow the status of renaming (Ivar)

  • Create issues for each project/specification on GitHub (Ivar)

  • Communicate why this is necessary

  • Naming standard communicated to Specification Committee with one +1

  • Publish an official naming standard on the ee4j news web page (Ivar)

  • Get approval from the Spec Committee for the names

Names may be influenced by package names.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, May 21 at 17:00 CEST (11:00 EDT)

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