Eclipse Foundation Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2008
A Meeting of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Foundation, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Corporation”), was held on held at 11:00 am Eastern time on October 15, 2008 as a regularly scheduled teleconference.
Present on the teleconference were the following Directors:
Present |
Director |
Organization |
Yes |
Chris Aniszczyk |
Elected Committer Representative |
Yes |
Tim Barnes |
OpenMethods LLC |
Yes |
Rich Bartlett |
Nokia |
No |
Michael Bechauf |
No |
Hans-Christian Brockmann |
brox IT-Solutions GmbH |
No |
Dino Brusco |
Motorola |
Yes |
Mark Coggins |
Actuate Corporation |
No |
Robert Day |
Elected Add-In Provider Representative |
No |
Ricco Deutscher |
Yes |
Doug Gaff |
Elected Committer Representative |
No |
Richard Gronback |
Borland Software Corp. |
Yes |
Andi Gutman |
Zend Technologies |
Yes |
Oisin Hurley |
IONA Technologies |
Yes |
John Kellerman |
Yes |
Mik Kersten |
Elected Committer Representative |
Yes |
Jonathan Khazam |
Intel Corporation |
Yes |
Jochen Krause |
Innoopract |
Yes |
Stephane Lacrampe |
Yes |
Dennis Leung |
Oracle |
Yes |
Paul Lipton |
CA Inc. |
No |
Maher Masri |
Genuitec, LLC |
Yes |
Jeff McAffer |
Elected Committer Representative |
Yes |
Emma McGrattan |
Elected Add-In Provider Representative |
No |
Ed Merks |
Elected Committer Representative |
Yes |
Wolfgang Neuhaus |
itemis AG |
Yes |
Tracy Ragan |
Elected Add-In Provider Representative |
Yes |
Steve Saunders |
Wind River |
No |
Somasundaram Shanmugam |
Sybase |
Yes |
Mitch Sonies |
Cloudsmith Inc. |
No |
Mike Taylor |
Elected Add-In Provider Representative |
No |
Jason Van Zyl |
Sonatype |
Yes |
Todd E. Williams |
Elected Add-In Provider Representative |
Present at the invitation of the Board was Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director, Janet Campbell, Secretary, and Chris Larocque, Treasurer of Foundation, Inc.
General Business:
Minutes: There was unanimous consent to approve the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that there was unanimous consent to approve the full and abridged minutes of the September 19, 2008 Board Meeting.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Mike Milinkovich introduced a discussion of the Eclipse Foundation’s Key Performance Indicators. Mike commented that generally, the indicators were tracking as expected and asked if anyone had any questions or comments. After some discussion, it was felt that it was worthwhile for the EMO to: (1) review how the Foundation is measuring our KPIs (for example, how we are measuring our downloads and whether we may be understating them in light of the number of download choices/packages); and (2) pull together a page on the Board Wiki to describe our key performance indicators.
Committee Appointments: There was unanimous consent to approve the following Resolutions:
RESOLVED, that there was unanimous consent to appoint Wolfgang Neuhaus to the Membership Committee.
Working Group – Creating Local User Groups: At the previous Board meeting a decision had been made to create a Board Working Group to discuss the Creation of Local User Groups. Mike Milinkovich re-introduced the topic and asked whether the Board thought that it would be more useful to direct this discussion to the Membership Committee. While many felt either approach would accomplish the Board’s goals, the Board decided to direct the subject to a Working Group in the hopes that the subject may garner broader participation. Janet Campbell took the action item to set up the Board Working Group.
Enforcing the Obligations of Strategic Developer Members: Mike Milinkovich introduced this topic, referring to his email of October 7, 2008. Mike indicated that there were two aspects of this discussion to be considered: (1) how rigorous should the Foundation be in enforcing the obligations of Strategic Developers to put eight (8) full-time developers into Eclipse; and (2) what should the final form be for the template for the Strategic Developers to use in reporting their contributions to Eclipse back to the Board at the December Board meeting. Mike indicated that we have eighteen (18) with approximately six (6) likely non-compliant. It was generally agreed that it was important to have the information and then have an honest conversation with the companies that are non-compliant. Following that, the Board could decide how best to proceed. It was felt by some that it would be preferable if we could get greater clarity around the requirements. Mike Milinkovich indicated that the original spirit of the eight (8) developer requirement was that the Strategic Developer members would be companies that would share the load, a concept that Mike felt still had value. Janet Campbell took the action item to set up a Working Group to discuss the metrics used to measure the contributions of Strategic Developers.
Sun TCK License: Mike Milinkovich provided the Board with background to the request for the Foundation to obtain Sun TCK License(s) indicating that there are two projects at Eclipse (Platform & Java Complier, Link Project) that have asked for access to the TCKs for 4 JSRs. The original request was sent to Sun in April 2008. Since that time Mike indicated that he had received no less that 3 emails from the person responsible from Sun promising the TCK license within the week. While the Eclipse Foundation has been approved for the scholarship access where we will be provided with the TCKs at no charge, we have been having some difficulty getting a copy of the necessary license. Mike indicated that he would follow up once again during the coming couple of weeks.
There being no additional business to attend to, Mike Milinkovich thanked all Board Members and declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:52 Eastern time.
* * * * *
This being a true and accurate record of the proceedings of this Meeting of the Board of Directors held on October 15th, 2008, is attested to and signed by me below.
/s/ Janet Campbell
Secretary of Meeting