Interface IPageLoader<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
PageLoaderList, PageResultLoaderList

public interface IPageLoader<T>
Classes which implement this interface provide methods which load paginated list by using information about pagination (sort, page index etc) coming from the PageableController.

If you wish to manage pagination with Java List in memory you can use PageResultLoaderList.

For better design IPageLoader should be implemented by the Service Layer or DAO (Repository) layer. If you wish to manage pagination with JPA, Spring Data JPA can be very helpful.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    T loadPage​(PageableController controller)
    Load the paginated list by using the PageableController information about pagination (sort, page index etc) and returns a page result which contains the paginated list and the total elements (ex: PageResult, Spring Data Page, etc).
  • Method Details

    • loadPage

      T loadPage​(PageableController controller)
      Load the paginated list by using the PageableController information about pagination (sort, page index etc) and returns a page result which contains the paginated list and the total elements (ex: PageResult, Spring Data Page, etc).
      controller - information about pagination.
      a pagination structure which contains the paginated list and the total elements.