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[technology-pmc] Re: Contribution approval request for CQ

The Technology PMC approves of this contribution. It looks like it will be very useful.
Thanks for asking,

Remy Suen wrote:
Hi Bjorn,

I would like to seek your approval for a CQ that I will be submitting
for the Eclipse Communication Framework, a Technology sub-project.

The contribution consists of a Java implementation of the BitTorrent
protocol that I wrote as part of my work for Google's Summer of Code
program in 2006 for the Eclipse Foundation. As you can imagine, it
provides the API for the standard bells and whistles that you would be
interested in for BitTorrent use such as speed capping and selective
file downloading. My mentor for the program at the time was Chris
Aniszczyk, a committer on multiple Eclipse projects.

You can find more information on the bug at [1] that was filed to
record the goings of the project.

Thank you for your time.



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