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[technology-pmc] Re: [linux-distros-dev] New linux-distros (linuxtools) committer: Benjamin Muskalla

On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 14:09 -0500, Andrew Overholt wrote:
> Hi,
> Benjamin Muskalla has offered to maintain our website and a vote on
> linux-distros-dev [1] has given 3 +1s and no negative responses.  Can we
> proceed with him becoming a committer on our website module?  I believe
> our website module is:
> /cvsroot/org.eclipse/linuxtools

Andrew, are we planning to use cvs for the webpage? If so, I should let
Denis know because I asked him to create a subversion module for the

Perhaps it would be best if you took the lead on the module creation
stuff so that we don't create unnecessary work for sysadmin
team. Thoughts?

Thanks, Ben

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