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soteria-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [soteria-dev] Revocation of access tokens, Manuel Zaldivar Alcedo
  • [soteria-dev] Bearer-only access, Manuel Zaldivar Alcedo
  • [soteria-dev] PR review for issue #337 and #343, Diana Krepinska
  • [soteria-dev] About to push 2.0.0 to central, arjan tijms
  • [soteria-dev] security-api tck failures, Gurunandan
  • [soteria-dev] Soteria Tests, Darran Lofthouse
  • Re: [soteria-dev] [mojarra-dev] Security API issue #109, Ed Bratt
  • [soteria-dev] About to release Soteria 1.0.1, arjan tijms
  • [soteria-dev] Programmatically change roles, Ulrich Cech
  • [soteria-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Padmanabha Bhat on Eclipse Soteria, emo
  • [soteria-dev] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for VINAY VISHAL on Eclipse Soteria, emo
  • [soteria-dev] Committer Election for Padmanabha Bhat on Eclipse Soteria has started, emo
  • [soteria-dev] Committer Election for VINAY VISHAL on Eclipse Soteria has started, emo
  • [soteria-dev] Committer Election for Arjan Tijms on Eclipse Soteria has started, emo
  • Welcome to soteria-dev, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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