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[openvsx] Open VSX Working Group!


Excellent news! We have signatures or firm commitments from five organizations, which we had collectively established as the minimum number of participants in order to effectively establish the Open VSX Working Group. Our current member organizations that have signed or made these firm commitments are:


We will kick off the working group on Tuesday, May 9, with these organizations and any others that return a signed participation agreement and Eclipse Foundation membership agreement (if not currently a member) prior to then. Of course, we welcome those other organizations that have expressed their intent to join, to do so as soon as possible and we will get you onboarded immediately thereafter.   

The expectation is to make a formal announcement in the next few weeks, and will look to have all of the committed members provide a quote and have their logos associated with the new working group. We think doing so will send a strong message to those who rely on the ecosystem that has built up around this registry service.  

On a personal note, I want to thank everyone who has worked within their organizations to secure this support.  The Eclipse team looks forward to working together with your organizations in enhancing the registry as a valuable, reliable service.  


John Kellerman
Cloud Development Tools Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation

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