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Re: [metro-dev] Help with fork modification to metro-jax-ws

> Fantastic - this is the info that I needed about where to put the changes.
> I made a copy of with my updates and added it
> under the same path as original, beneath java-mr/9.
> So, now I have 2 copies.
> I then ran the maven command that you showed me in .travis.yml:
>  >mvn -B -V -U -C -Pstaging,oss-release clean verify
> org.glassfish.copyright:glassfish-copyright-maven-plugin:copyright
> -Dgpg.skip=true -Doss.disallow.snapshots=false
> This was successful and it created tons of .jars but the one that I am
> interested in, rt-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT-sources, under \jaxws-ri\runtime\rt -
> that one still has the older source file.
> Is there additional configuration I need to do to tell maven about the
> new file? I assumed it would just pick it up as you described.

you only need to take a look into .jar!/META-INF/versions/9... folder

as for which jar one should be using: see
giving an overview about artifacts project creates and how they are
intended to be used. It's not completely up-to-date but the general
structure itself remains the same


I see the modified code in the jar as you described, thanks!

After looking at your diagram, I'm still not clear on which .jar that I should be using. 
I'm replacing jaxws-rt-2.3.2.jar in my build, and I tried these:

- jaxws-ri\bundle\jaxws-rt\target\jaxws-rt-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [this seems most likely]
- jaxws-ri\runtime\rt\target\rt-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [this one is probably internal per your diagram]

Neither fix my problem locally - either because my code is incorrect, or the modifications I added are not being applied.
I'm running under JDK11 but still not clear how the multi-release .jar determines that at runtime.


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