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Re: [leshan-dev] support for resource instances?

Hi Simon,

Thanks for the quick response. This answers my question, but does not solve the issue at hand unfortunately!

I did a bit of digging and as I understand, in LWM2M 1.1 there is the possibility to perform operations at resource instance level. And it appears out customers are using clients using 1.1

If the only change needed is the one check in the AbstractDownlinkRequest, would it be too much to ask for? :)


On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 4:23 PM Simon Bernard <contact@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


  In LWM2M there is Object, object instance, resource.
  Resource can be "multiple resource" or "single resource".
  "single resource" just hold a value.
  "multiple resource" contains "resource instances" which hold value.

  Here is example of path for each kind of LWM2M node :

  Object => /3
  Object instance => 3/0
  Single resource => 3/0/2
  multiple resource  => 3/0/11
  resource instance => 3/0/11/0

  DownLink request can target object, object instance or resources (single or multiple) but can not target resource instance.



Le 26/11/2018 à 14:52, Arjun Kamath a écrit :
Hi all,

I've been trying to implement read, write and observe on resource instances, which leshan has support for [1] and noticed that ReadRequest, ObserveRequest and  WriteRequest extend  AbstractDownlinkRequest [2], which throws InvalidRequestException if path.isResourceInstance() 

What am I missing here? 

Best Regards,

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Arjun P. Kamath

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