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Re: [leshan-dev] support for resource instances?


  In LWM2M there is Object, object instance, resource.
  Resource can be "multiple resource" or "single resource".
  "single resource" just hold a value.
  "multiple resource" contains "resource instances" which hold value.

  Here is example of path for each kind of LWM2M node :

  Object => /3
  Object instance => 3/0
  Single resource => 3/0/2
  multiple resource  => 3/0/11
  resource instance => 3/0/11/0

  DownLink request can target object, object instance or resources (single or multiple) but can not target resource instance.



Le 26/11/2018 à 14:52, Arjun Kamath a écrit :
Hi all,

I've been trying to implement read, write and observe on resource instances, which leshan has support for [1] and noticed that ReadRequest, ObserveRequest and  WriteRequest extend  AbstractDownlinkRequest [2], which throws InvalidRequestException if path.isResourceInstance() 

What am I missing here? 

Best Regards,

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