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[hono-dev] Regarding the integration with other Eclipse project

Hi there,

I am doing a study on the integration of Hono and other Eclipse IoT projects like Mosquitto, Leshan, and HawkBit. I come up with several questions:

1. As I noticed in the description, currently Hono only support MQTT connection through its MQTT adapter and HTTP connection through REST adapter. Is that possible that Hono can integrate with Leshan despite not having a LWM2M adapter ?

2. As far as I try to install Hono and Mosquitto on the same host, they don't work together well. Mosquitto broker cannot process subscribe/publish message on the host where Hono is running on. When I disable Hono, Mosquitto broker functions normally. This seems petty weird because they use two different ports. Meanwhile, when that host acts as an MQTT client and subscribe/publish to the MQTT broker on the other host (Hono is not installed), it works fine.

3. Are all the protocol adapters supposed to represent for other IoT projects. I mean that if Hono already has an adapter for MQTT, it doesn't need Mosquitto? Or these adapters are just the "link" between Hono and other IoT projects ?

T. Nguyen

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