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Re: [cdt-dev] Proofing the CDT w/ large projects

Bogdan Gheorghe <gheorghe@xxxxxxxxxx> said:
> cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 02/02/2004 04:49:08 AM:

[Description of the problem snipped]

> Provided that the parser can get through all of the files without
> getting nuked then, yes, it 
> shouldn't affect re-indexing... 

What do you mean by getting "nuked"?  There are three things I've seen 
happen with the parser:
- Parser fails itself (normal failure, returns NULL, logged in normal log)
- Scanner fails (usually trapped, life goes on but then the parser fails)
- Parser.parse().TranslationUnit throws an exception.  I've currently got
  this wrapped in a try {} catch() block since it doesn't do my sanity
  much good =;-)  This seems to only happen on one file and I'll try and
  track it down.

[Errors for which patches have been sent snipped] 
> Both of these situations should never happen - I'll try to reproduce on
> large project. 

Let me know if there is something I can help with while I still have 
access to this particular project and source.

> > - The fact that in the IndexManager.getIndex(IPath, boolean, boolean)
> >   we (in this particular project) are never retrieving an index which
> >   has a known state (it is always UNKNOWN_STATE) which means we go and
> >   rebuild the index for everything. 
> Hmm..this sounds like the indexer is not completing all of its jobs. 
> Can you turn on tracing (under Run options, tracing tab, click on
> org.eclipse.cdt.core->set "debug/indexmanger" to true. Load up your
> project and see if the indexer makes it through all of the source files
> or if it dies somewhere. 

I can tell you right now that there are a number of Indexer Failed messages
that come out, trying to boil these down to the when and where is quite
a challenge, but if you think that it is worthwhile then I can send you
the traces (note, I often get Mb of traces from the scanner/parser notes
to the index notes ... it is volumous).

Thanks for the reply Bogdan

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