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[ajdt-dev] New AJDT development build containing latest AspectJ5 development build

Using Java 5 features with AspectJ

For this you will need:

1. AJDT, available as a zip file or
update site from the Development Builds section of:

2. Eclipse 3.1M4

3. Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 a.k.a JDK 5.0


1. Start Eclipse and install AJDT.

2. Add your JDK 5.0 under Java > Installed JREs if it isn't there already.

3. Create a new AspectJ project, or use one you prepared earlier.

4. Go to project properties > Java Build Path and check it's using the JRE
System Library from your JDK 5.0. If it isn't, add it using Add Library...
and then remove the old one.

5. Under AspectJ Compiler project properties or workbench preferences,
enable 1.5 weaving behaviour in the 5.0 tab.

6. Under Java Compiler project properties or workbench preferences, set
your compiler compliance level to 5.0.

7. Go to town and try using generics, annotations, enums, the new
"for" loop, varargs, autoboxing, and static imports in your AspectJ

8. Raise bugs for anything that doesn't work :)



Matt Chapman
AJDT Development,

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