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[Wtp-wst-dev] custom html tags

I work on the WOLips project, which provides a set of a eclipse plugins for developing with WebObjects. WebObjects uses <webobject name = "Whatever"></webobject> tags to denote where in the HTML template component should appear. In the current design, it does appear to be possible to add custom HTML tags.

I needed to perform the following steps to implement support for this tag, which required a series of (small) changes to the html.core:
1) extend HedFlowContainer with HedWEBOBJECT
2) extend HTML40Namespace with HTML40WebObjectsNamespace
3) extend ElementCollection with WebObjectsElementCollection, add support for a new element node, and add WEBOBJECT to the list of names of blocks 4) extend CMNodeImpl with WebObjectsHCMDocImpl, which uses WebObjectsElementCollection 5) register a new CMDocument with HTMLCMDocumentRegistry that replaces the default HTML CMDocument

The attached patch provides the fixes to html.core to allow that to be possible. Most of the changes are just changes in visibility so that I can extend the necessary classes:

Attachment: CustomHtmlTags.patch
Description: Binary data

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