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[wtp-releng] pre-preparation for today's status meeting

I know, pre-preparation is not a real word ... this is just yet another plea to triage your bugs that are marked for 3.0.1 (or 2.0.1 for Dali) ... otherwise we'll have to do "real time", during the meeting.

A. There has been an error in previous "blocker and critical" queries I didn't notice until this week, so there's more listed there than I thought.
Please be prepared to give outlook for these 12 or so blockers or criticals (or, triage them off the list _if and only if appropriate_! )
In particular:
  • If obviously not blocker or critical, change the severity (being polite, explain to originator the meaning of those severities, and encourage them to reset if they disagree).
  • If can not be reproduced, mark as worksforme and encourage originator to provide reproducible steps.
  • If can not be understood, mark as invalid, and encourage originator to clarify if they can.
  • fix :) -- true blockers and criticals can be dropped during weekly shutdown, just keep us all informed via wtp-releng and let us know if re-testing is advised or not.

B. There are still too many targeted to 3.0.1. I've prepared a tabular form (link below) that might help focus your triage.
There are approximately 90 that of the 150 that are "normal, minor, trivial, or enhancement" ... can all of these be bulk updated to 3.0.2?
If any of those really are desired for 3.0.1, please mark them as "P2" and you'll need a really good justification when you make your PMC plea for approval.

Bug Lists for 3.0.1
Blockers & Criticals (~12!)

All 3.0.1 Hotbugs (~1)

Current 3.0.1 & 2.0.1 targeted bugs (~150!)
In tabular form:
Current 3.0.1 & 2.0.1 targeted bugs (~150!)

WOW! Congratulations!
Number Resolved for 3.0.1 (~250!)

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