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RE: [wtp-releng] Performance Tests

Hi David,
As far as I understand, each perf test results for all 2.0.2 I-build and 3.0 I-build and M-builds should be compared to the R2.0.1 perf test result. Is this correct?
About the 12 hours runtime... I digged in the logs. Actually, the pure perf test execution time is around 131 minutes - a little bit more than 2 hours. But the consolelogs reports: "Total time: 600 minutes 16 seconds":
If I add the time for binaries download and extraction, and graph generation - it goes close to 12 hours. The difference between the "131 minutes" and "600 minutes 16 seconds" should have been spent in starting and stopping of the Eclipse workbench that happens on every single perf test.
The above is comparable with the logs of the R2.0 perf results that have been run on the old perf test system:
I see: "Total time: 777 minutes 11 seconds". Here the total time is more, because the old John's perf system was slower. So, even on the old John's machine the whole perf test procedure should have taken more than 15 hours for a single run. However, the pure time for the perf JUnit test should have taken around 4 hours as you say.
So, these are my next steps. I will run again the R2.0.1 perf test to have the "perf result base". Then I will run the perf tests for all I-builds and M-builds declared on the download page and will compare the results to the one of R2.0.1. I will run one perf execution per day (actually night in Bulgaria). It will take around 2 weeks to cover all builds. When the system is not used for perf tests (during the day in Bulgaria), I will execute the scanning tests, which would take much less time, I hope.

From: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 7:24 PM
To: Webtools releng discussion list
Subject: Re: [wtp-releng] Performance Tests

>  - 2.0.2 I-builds - Do I refer the results of the 2.0.2 I-build to the 2.0.1 build?
>   Or, do I refer the results of the 2.0.2 I-build to the results of the previous 2.0.2 I-build?
>  - 3.0 M-builds - I will refer 3.0 M1 to 2.0.1. But how about 3.0 M2? Referred to 3.0 M1, or again to 2.0.1?

We want a common, steady base measurement to compare against. It's no big deal if there's a little
week to week variation, but the goal is to improve (or, be no worse than) the previous release).
But ... I also think the base measurements should be re-ran each time the regular measurements are taken,
just to make sure the machine is in a steady state.

We could fix that archive issue if anyone thought worth it to use 2.0 as the base. That'd be my preference, but no big deal if too much work.
If it's just a matter of FTP'ing the zip files,
you can use the "mirror form" of the URL to get the file, and if not found on 'downloads' will automatically look
in archives. But, not sure if that's the issue you are having or not.

I also think it'll be easy to fix the 12 hour run time ... just take out any suites that are too long, open a bug on the subproject that owns it,
and let them create a more reasonable test. The total time should be no more than 4 hours, IMHO, and ideally just 1 or 2.  The regular
JUnit tests are about 30 minutes.


From: "Raev, Kaloyan" <kaloyan.raev@xxxxxxx>
To: <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 12/03/2007 10:02 AM
Subject: [wtp-releng] Performance Tests


I am happy to announce that I have the performance tests setup and run successfully.
I have executed the perf test on two builds already:

Since all builds older than 2.0.1 are already moved to the archive site, I cannot use the PerfBuilder tool to execute the perf tests for them. This is why I use the official 2.0.1 release for a "reference base". The first 2.0.2 I-build (M-2.0.2-20071004053715) perf test results are referred to the results of that 2.0.1 release.

I am going to build perf test results for all declared builds on the WTP download site in the next days. One execution last for around 12 hours. But, before this I want to ask what is the for referring perf results.

        - 2.0.2 I-builds - Do I refer the results of the 2.0.2 I-build to the 2.0.1 build? Or, do I refer the results of the 2.0.2 I-build to the results of the previous 2.0.2 I-build?

        - 3.0 M-builds - I will refer 3.0 M1 to 2.0.1. But how about 3.0 M2? Referred to 3.0 M1, or again to 2.0.1?

And one more thing. There are still 5 failures in the j2ee core perf test:

The reason is one and the same: illegal data set: contains neither AVERAGE nor AFTER values.
Is this a bug? Or there is still something wrong in my setup?

Kaloyan Raev

Eclipse WTP Committer
Senior Developer


SAP Labs Bulgaria

T +359/2/9157-416

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