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Re: [wtp-releng] Getting pde ant tasks to run


I am not sue if this will help, but in my previous life as the wtp build-master, I usually added these custom tasks to the ant classpath directly (i.e. th ant that is used to run the build scripts)
I'm trying to get a build script up and going to generate html docs from ext-pt schemas using the scripts from jst docs as a starting point. I am running into an issue where the Ant build runner doesn't seem to pick up Ant tasks defined in the Eclipse prefs. Specifically, although it is defined by default, pde.convertSchemaToHTML is generating the error below. I have tried adding the defining jar to the classpath directly but this doesn't help and I can't find a way to declare the task to the launcher directly. Anyone have an idea how I can get this to work?

C:\dev\workspaces\pluginRefactor2\\buildExtDocs.xml:15: Problem: failed to create task or type pde.convertSchemaToHTML

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