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[wtp-releng] Webservices smoke testsPASSED: 1.5RC6 Fri, 23 Jun 2006 -- 04:44 (UTC)

Mark Hutchinson
Rational Java Web Services, IBM Toronto Lab
Phone (905) 413-2726
D3-258 8200 Warden Ave, Markham, Ontario, Canada

----- Forwarded by Mark Hutchinson/Toronto/IBM on 06/23/2006 11:52 AM -----
David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/23/2006 11:09 AM

Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>

" wtp-releng" <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[wtp-releng] Fw: Please sanity check 1.5RC6  Fri,        23 Jun 2006 -- 04:44 (UTC)

= = = = =
Note: I've had some trouble with my company's mail system, so you may be seeing this note "late", or twice (or 3 or 4 times eventually)

= = = = =

and confirm fixes are "in" as expected, for declaring at noon (eastern time)

1.5RC6  Fri, 23 Jun 2006 -- 04:44 (UTC)

this is exact the same as
1.5RC6Thu, 22 Jun 2006 -- 20:51 (UTC) , except for org.eclipse.jst.jsf.doc.user
(so if you've already tested that, no need to re-test).

The following 10 bugs were fixed in this final build, since RC5a
145875 2006-06-07 blo P3 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx jackfong@xxxxxxxxxx [hotbug] New UI plugin dependency introduced in WTP 1.5 m...
147794 Mon 17:25 cri P3 ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx hskolwal@xxxxxxxxxx Regression: SQL keywords for DB2 LUW, zSeries and iSeries...
147800 Mon 18:02 cri P3 ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx hskolwal@xxxxxxxxxx Regression: SyBase and TIMESTAMP column
147810 Mon 19:43 cri P3 ledunnel@xxxxxxxxxx hskolwal@xxxxxxxxxx NPE exception when opening up WTP 1.0.2 Informix data mod...
147918 Tue 14:38 cri P2 cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx rfrost@xxxxxxx [refactoring] On module project rename or delete, old mod...
147949 Tue 17:09 cri P2 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx rfrost@xxxxxxx DependencyGraph.getReferencingComponents() sporadically f...
148203 Thu 08:52 cri P2 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx gunnar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [deployables] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Component...
148218 Thu 10:04 cri P3 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx john.oshea@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [deployables] StaticWebDeployableObjectAdapter is returni...

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