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RE: [wtp-incubator-dev] Integrating the JAX-WS DOM Tools contribution

Hi Danail,

>As the source code is now available in the CVS we should start thinking of integrating it with the surrounding environment in order to achieve a consistent user experience.

>I had a quick look at the current web service annotation tools and found a couple of points which are common for both CFX and WS DOM tools but are implemented in different manner. I think that we should combine the best features of both and remove duplications


Yes +1 to removing duplication and unifying the code bases.

1.       Validation

> I am not a JDT-APT expert and could not tell the advantages which JDT-APT offers

I wouldn't consider myself a JDT-APT expert but some of the advantages of using it are:

  • It ships as a standard part of JDT.
  • Configurable on any Java based project (Regular Java Project, Dynamic Web, EJB) using the API or in a projects properties page (Java Compiler > Annotation Processing)
  • APIs for analyzing annotations and the java elements they are applied to.
  • APIs for logging error, warning and info messages along with marking those messages as being quick-fixable.
  • Processors executed during compilation. Both reconcile (interactive, feedback as you type) and during the build. Again configurable, you can turn off the 'reconcile' processing.
  • We don't use it but there is a capability there to generate additional types and other resources during processor execution.

And some of the disadvantages are:
  • Another API to learn.
  • Possible to cause performance issues with badly designed processors executing long running operations etc..
  • We don't have a way of letting the user enable or disable individual processors or categories of processors that are contributed through the extension point. We need a preference page for this similar to the 'Model Validation > Constraints' preference page.

2.       Properties view

> I do have certain worries that usability experts would dislike having two property views (the standard one and the annotations one) and would prefer the annotations to be displayed in the standard properties view.

This has been looked at in the past. There is another annotations view which is form based in the WTP Dali sub-project. They've looked at having the Java Editor activate the tabbed properties view where contributors can then add there own tabs for configuring their annotations. But it looks to be currently blocked and has been for a while.

We should look into it. But with limited time and resources i don't think it's achievable for 1.0

Something else to think about here. If this solution was open to us now in Eclipse 3.6 and we went with it, it would set the minimum requirements for the tooling to that level which would have an impact on current adopters disabling their use of the annotations view if they were shipping a product built on a version of Eclipse less than 3.6.

3.       Annotation API

>From my point of view the interface this utility is pretty complex.

Yes the class is unnecessarily complex at the moment. That method signature can be reduced to:

    public static void addAnnotationToField(IField field, Annotation annotation, TextFileChange textFileChange) throws CoreException

You could also provide something like:

    public static void addAnnotation(IJavaElement javaElement, Annotation annotation, TextFileChange textFileChange) throws CoreException

and then switch on the Java element type calling the appropriate method.

We use the org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.* classes to manage adding the annotations and also to provide undo support. This is where the TextFileChange comes into play.  That TextFileChange is also used to 'preview' the annotation changes in the wizard.

We could look to remove that TextFileChange parameter from the method signature and return a TextEdit which can then be used by the method callers to create a TextFileChange. So you'd end up with something like:

    public static TextEdit addAnnotation(IJavaElement javaElement, Annotation annotation) throws CoreException

Looking at the class we do have the additional requirement of having to add/remove annotations from package declarations (for JAXB). Also, updating an annotation with that class could make the annotation jump position in the Java Editor. We need to be able to update a member value pair without the possibility of a change in position.

We also used the same method to write the annotations to the underlying file in an earlier version of the tools. This caused intermittent problems in the wizard when adding multiple annotations while also handling the undo support directly with the UndoEdit's returned for TextEdit.apply().

>So does the tools unification makes sense to you?


> If yes, we should come up with a plan what/when to refactor

So we need to make a decision on the validation route to continue with and which Annotation utility class to rework/refactor so that it works for all plug-ins and preserves existing functionality.

For the validation i'd prefer to stay with JDT-APT. I haven't had a chance yet to modify the JAX-WS DOM validation unit tests to see if the existing JDT-APT validation rules handle all those cases. I'll try and do that soon.

For the Annotation API. I was looking to clean up the public API's i listed here for this M3 milestone as i go through them adding javadoc.

Could a more simplified API in like the changes i mentioned above work for the JAX-WS DOM section of the tooling?



From: danail.branekov@xxxxxxx
To: wtp-incubator-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 17:09:57 +0200
Subject: RE: [wtp-incubator-dev] Integrating the JAX-WS DOM Tools contribution



As the source code is now available in the CVS we should start thinking of integrating it with the surrounding environment in order to achieve a consistent user experience.

I had a quick look at the current web service annotation tools and found a couple of points which are common for both CFX and WS DOM tools but are implemented in different manner. I think that we should combine the best features of both and remove duplications



1.       Validation

a.       The CFX validation plugs into java compilation process via JDT-APT, analyzes the annotations in the java class and generates error markers if necessary

b.      WS DOM validation is implemented as an EMF validator. The implementation would check the current state of the web service model and would return status (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus) objects. Creating error markers in case of status with severity of ERROR is responsibility of the EMF validation framework and the corresponding contributors.


We obviously do not need two validation implementations as multiple similar error markers can confuse the user. I am not a JDT-APT expert and could not tell the advantages which JDT-APT offers. But I could point out the advantages provided by the WS DOM implementation:

-          The implementation is not bound to a specific component (e.g. java build). It would only analyze the current WS model and will return status objects. Whether error markers are generated or not is a matter of further processing. Thus a validation user code could decide what to do with these errors – generate error markers or for example try to fix the errors on the fly

-          The validation is performed on the web service model. The web service model updates itself upon resource change and “reconcile” events thus giving adequate representation of the current source code (no matter built or not). With a  model which is up to date, an user (no matter human or API) can trigger validation of the current source code and get the validation results immediately

-          The validation can be managed centrally (via Window -> Preferences -> Validation)



2.       Properties view

a.       CFX provides its own annotation view which shows all the annotations relevant for the current selection. The user can turn on/off a given annotation and can change its attributes. I think that it is a pretty powerful tool. However, I do have certain worries that usability experts would dislike having two property views (the standard one and the annotations one) and would prefer the annotations to be displayed in the standard properties view.

b.      WS DOM plugins contribute pages to the standard properties view for the WS model artifacts but provides much less information than the annotation properties view does. Also, the editing support is pretty limited


3.       Annotation API

a.       CFX uses the class to create and modify annotations. From my point of view the interface this utility is pretty complex. For example, here is the signature of a random method:


    public static void addAnnotationToField(ICompilationUnit source, CompilationUnit compilationUnit,

            ASTRewrite rewriter, IField field, Annotation annotation, TextFileChange textFileChange) throws CoreException


The method has lots of input parameters and I personally find it hard to get instances of everything I need to call this method

b.      WS DOM comes with the utility class. Here is the equivalent method for adding annotations:


      public <T extends IJavaElement> void setAppliedElement(final IAnnotation<T> annotation, final T javaElement) throws AnnotationGeneratorException


As you can see, the method signature is pretty simple – it only says “please apply this annotation to that java element”



So does the tools unification makes sense to you? If yes, we should come up with a plan what/when to refactor



Best regards, Danail

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