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RE: [wtp-incubator-dev] Integrating the JAX-WS DOM Tools contribution



As the source code is now available in the CVS we should start thinking of integrating it with the surrounding environment in order to achieve a consistent user experience.

I had a quick look at the current web service annotation tools and found a couple of points which are common for both CFX and WS DOM tools but are implemented in different manner. I think that we should combine the best features of both and remove duplications



1.       Validation

a.       The CFX validation plugs into java compilation process via JDT-APT, analyzes the annotations in the java class and generates error markers if necessary

b.      WS DOM validation is implemented as an EMF validator. The implementation would check the current state of the web service model and would return status (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus) objects. Creating error markers in case of status with severity of ERROR is responsibility of the EMF validation framework and the corresponding contributors.


We obviously do not need two validation implementations as multiple similar error markers can confuse the user. I am not a JDT-APT expert and could not tell the advantages which JDT-APT offers. But I could point out the advantages provided by the WS DOM implementation:

-          The implementation is not bound to a specific component (e.g. java build). It would only analyze the current WS model and will return status objects. Whether error markers are generated or not is a matter of further processing. Thus a validation user code could decide what to do with these errors – generate error markers or for example try to fix the errors on the fly

-          The validation is performed on the web service model. The web service model updates itself upon resource change and “reconcile” events thus giving adequate representation of the current source code (no matter built or not). With a  model which is up to date, an user (no matter human or API) can trigger validation of the current source code and get the validation results immediately

-          The validation can be managed centrally (via Window -> Preferences -> Validation)



2.       Properties view

a.       CFX provides its own annotation view which shows all the annotations relevant for the current selection. The user can turn on/off a given annotation and can change its attributes. I think that it is a pretty powerful tool. However, I do have certain worries that usability experts would dislike having two property views (the standard one and the annotations one) and would prefer the annotations to be displayed in the standard properties view.

b.      WS DOM plugins contribute pages to the standard properties view for the WS model artifacts but provides much less information than the annotation properties view does. Also, the editing support is pretty limited


3.       Annotation API

a.       CFX uses the class to create and modify annotations. From my point of view the interface this utility is pretty complex. For example, here is the signature of a random method:


    public static void addAnnotationToField(ICompilationUnit source, CompilationUnit compilationUnit,

            ASTRewrite rewriter, IField field, Annotation annotation, TextFileChange textFileChange) throws CoreException


The method has lots of input parameters and I personally find it hard to get instances of everything I need to call this method

b.      WS DOM comes with the utility class. Here is the equivalent method for adding annotations:


      public <T extends IJavaElement> void setAppliedElement(final IAnnotation<T> annotation, final T javaElement) throws AnnotationGeneratorException


As you can see, the method signature is pretty simple – it only says “please apply this annotation to that java element”



So does the tools unification makes sense to you? If yes, we should come up with a plan what/when to refactor



Best regards, Danail

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