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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] 0.5M8 and the future

Hi guys - I've been very busy at work recently. Hence not so much activity on the project - though I have nearly finished an article (I decided to condense into one article and make it shorter too). I put everything I have done into M8 on Sunday 22nd June, so you can use a build made any time after that as far as I'm concerned.
As for future milestones, I'd like to stay with the version of WTP in the Ganymede release and its maintenance releases for a good while. Staying with Ganymede should speed up the adoption of XSL Tools because it will be easy for users to install (most will have Ganymede rather than the latest Io milestone). Of course, at some point we need to switch to Io, but I think that should be after the fall maintenance drop of Ganymede. When we switch to Io, my preference would be to start (cheekily!) calling it 1.0.
On the subject of community involvment and adoption, I'm sure there would be commercial adopters who would be interested in XSL Tools, but does anyone know who to talk to? I suppose the likes of IBM, myEclipse and Tibco might be interested, but I've no idea who to contact.
 ----- Original Message ----
From: David Carver <d_a_carver@xxxxxxxxx>
To: WTP Incubator Dev list <wtp-incubator-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, 20 June, 2008 5:54:21 AM
Subject: Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] 0.5M8 and the future

David M Williams wrote:
> > should we wait until the following week to do our 0.5M8 release?

> Well, first, remember at this point it's simply a "milestone"
> I'm sure you'll recall me harping on "release" being a reserved word
> at Eclipse.
Yeah, eclipse and it's picky terminology.  I figured the M8 was
indication enough that it was a milestone.  :)

> I'd say if you can, to go ahead and produce your M8 milestone now, so
> it can be on the WTP downloads page right away with Ganymede.
> We can still do some separate announcements and publicity the
> following week (and, yes, in that case,
> I think better to follow the main Ganymede announcements and publicity).
Unless Doug or Jesper object or have anything additional to go in, there
latest build that was completed on 0.5M8 can be used for the Milestone.

> Then, if I'm reading you right, you'd like to plan on a formal pre 1.0
> release, call it 0.5.
> I'd say we should plan on that for about 1 month following Ganymede.
> That'd give us time to discuss
> with EMO, schedule a formal release review, etc. Plus, would give you
> a couple more weeks to fix up those
> icons, etc., that you mention. (so the formal release would be very
> similar to the M8 milestone, but not exactly the same).
> Am I hearing you right so far?
Basically, but I'd like to hear what Doug and Jesper think as well
before we commit to anything.

> > ... what should the next version be called, I would go for 0.6 for now
> Do you mean for release? Or just what you label it in your milestones.
>  Assuming you don't need another release until next June, I would
> recommend that after a formal 0.5 release, that you "join" the main
> WTP stream/builds and just produce milestones along with the rest of
> WTP. (milestones towards Io, 2009 release, that is). If you'd like to
> be conservative, you can certainly start off with 0.6 version numbers,
> and then move to 1.0 next spring ... nearer your graduation and Io
> simultaneous release. But, it's not unheard of for projects to start
> using 1.0 in their milestone builds, under their confidence (and
> plans) to graduate before/during the formal 1.0 release. To be
> explicit, you can still be "incubating" and be part of WTP
> builds/milestones ... it just needs to keep the "incubating" name
> until you graduate. I would recommend you/we plan on a graduation
> review roughly next March (2009) [perhaps right before EclipseCon?]
> and then have your 1.0 release review with the rest of the Io release
> review of WTP, in June 2009.
My only concern about joining the official release train right now is
time commitment.  By myself and Doug and Jesper.  Especially since we
are working on this part time.  Also, I think we had talked about
staying with WTP 3.0 for a while as the base code, but again would like
to hear from Doug and Jesper on their opinions.

> Feel free to correct me if I am misreading your desired
> plans/schedules, but this seems like a good one to me.
> Oh, and BTW, we haven't really talked about it in WTP exactly, but we
> in the rest of WTP probably won't have much, if any, milestones until
> M2 or M3 (September) or so (due to getting a quick start on
> maintenance releases).
> > David what else do you think we need to do to get us along in the
> incubation phase.
> I think you all are doing great and well on your way to graduation.
> Any "community activity" you can engage in would help the case ...
> such as the Eclipse Live webinar you mentioned, perhaps present at
> some UI Working Group walk through (e.g. present on how you specifying
> XSL "engines" in preferences, the xpath view, etc.). I'm assuming you
> follow Eclipse enough to know what "UI Working Group walk through"
> means ... if not, well, then there's an example of the importance of
> community involvement :) As I've mentioned, my only concern is not
> getting that many bugs open from (early) end-users. Perhaps that will
> change when we have a more unified build and delivery mechanism.

I think the later is going to depend on the type of functionality we can
provide and getting somebody besides a non-profit standards organization
to adopt the product in their tooling.  The thing is that in the XML
community eclipse isn't known for being an XML tool.  It's know for
Java..  It just going to take time to educate the existing XML
community, but many already have their favorite ide or tool they use. 
The Webinars and Articles will help.  As well as any techinical
presentations we can get done at some XML conferences.

I'll look at the UI Working Group walk through, as I suspect we can get
some valuable feedback on the Preference pages alone.


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