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  • [wtp-dev] JEE 5 Working Group Meeting - Agenda, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] Screen readers and description labels vs. text areas, David Gorton
  • [wtp-dev] WTP M4 Shutdown Plan, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Perfornance Measurements?, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] Want to know what your unit test are really doing? Try this..., Valentin Baciu
  • [wtp-dev] Minutes of the JEE 5 Working Group meeting 11/30/2006, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0 Integration Build Declared I-I200612011700, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 1.5.3 Maintenace build declared M-1.5.3-200611291828, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Fw: Consuming Web Services Article, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] JEE5 Support - Status Meetings Time Set, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] summary of voting for Valentin Baciu committership, Tim Wagner
  • [wtp-dev] JEE5 Support - Status Meetings Feedback Required, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] Fw: Nomination of Valentin Baciu as WTP committer - to the XML-JSPand Web Services component teams, Craig Salter
  • [wtp-dev] ERROR, wtp-dev
  • [wtp-dev] Reminder, no WTP status meeting this week and no declared builds, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] wtp-dev mailing list is behaving badly, Craig Salter
  • [wtp-dev] RE: Viewing accepted papers in EclipseZilla, Tim Wagner
  • [wtp-dev] Fw: [WebE-DL] Web Engineering - Call for Papers, WWW2007, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0 M3 declared S-2.0M3-200611170109, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 1.5.3 M build declared M-1.5.3-200611161917, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Neeraj Agrawal is out of the office., Neeraj Agrawal
  • [wtp-dev] Viewing accepted papers in EclipseZilla, Tim Wagner
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 1.5.2 Known problems by components section, Kathy Chan
  • [wtp-dev] eclipsecon 2007 submission deadlines: long talks by Dec 1st, Pieter Humphrey
  • [wtp-dev] SSE/JSP editor API status, Cameron Bateman
  • [wtp-dev] Nomination of Valentin Baciu as WTP committer, Craig Salter
  • [wtp-dev] New and Noteworthy in releng: official patches, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Reminder of Builds and Testing priorities this week., David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Help needed with XMI DB definition files interpretation, Dimitrov, Dimiter
  • [wtp-dev] unsuscribe, Mathieu FOSSE
  • [wtp-dev] Java EE 5 models design overview, Raev, Kaloyan
  • [wtp-dev] ComponentCore.createComponent(IProject), Ted Bashor

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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