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[wtp-dev] EMF driver in WTP builds

The EMF driver  that is being used in the WTP builds is way too old. Even though this driver works, we request  WTP builds to step up to the emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-I200412091159 build. This  EMF 1209 build has a fix for an important defect that we depend on. This defect was breaking the .modulemap creation in an Enterprise Application project..

Secondly we request that the JEM SDK be used in the WTP build rather than as it is convienient to debug with source.

Thanks, Vijay
Vijay Bhadriraju                                        
Rational Tools, J2EE Tooling              
Ph: (919) 486-1898, T/L: 526-1898    
Internet: vbhadrir@xxxxxxxxxx          

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