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[wtp-dev] State of the build ... or, why I changed 100 projects this weekend

I'm sure many of you are wondering why I made so many changes to your projects
this weekend ... changes to, and .project files, and a few other misc. things.

Primarily the reason is that builds were breaking with a vague error message:

[eclipse.idReplacer] Could not find/>
[eclipse.idReplacer]       <import plugin=

As I looked for possible reasons, I started seeing many errors in and
.project files. Ninety five percent of these errors are (probably) of no consequence at all
(like dead code), but some might have been significant ...
one not including a (renamed) jar,
projects with wrong name, references to nonexistent projects (when references
are not even needed), missing or incorrect natures and builders. [This last one, btw, was
"hiding" some problems with plugin.xml files, references to invalid extension points, nonexistent
classes, missing pre-reqs ... so, some of you still have some more cleanup to do!]

Hence, I tried to clean up these basic project files to get past build break, and once
I'd made the changes, committed them to head, and released for build.
(and this released a few 'java' changes some of you had made, but not released to
a build yet). If anyone has any questions on why I changed some particular thing or want to point
out to me why something that looked like an error to me really needs to be that way,
please do let me know. Otherwise, please try to keep these sorts of files 'clean' in future,
since its hard to know when something is "dead code" and when its really causing an obscure
error. If anyone has any questions, on what 'clean' means, don't hesitate to ask and discuss
(I don't profess to always know what's best, but someone on this mailing list will).

The sad part is, none of this fixup helped the build break, but I did eventually discover
changing our "0.0.0" plugins back to "1.0.0"  *did* help, so we are getting builds again.
I've opened against PDE build.

The latest I-build on Eclipse site has most of these 100 changes (but not all). See
So would recommend some "smoke testing" being done with it. but I think we'll need at least
one more I-build before doing serious Milestone testing since some problems with navigator, and
I couldn't seem to associate a server with a project (with the little bit I tried).
[editing xml and jsps seemed to work fine though :)

btw, I tried to kick off another I-build to pick up all changes I made, but the cruise control build machine was hung.

Tip: once you set the compiler options to point out plugin.xml/schema errors, its says it "rebuilds all", but doesn't always.
You may have to "clean" all projects to force a complete rebuild (at which point missing
classes, extension points, should show up in task view).

Lastly, I apologize in advance for errors I've introduce ... I usually won't hesitate to fix code I see broken, but
normally will never release it, without your review. I was just attempting to get a build we could test
with and I think we are close.

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