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Re: [wakaama-dev] LWM2M Server

Oh, one more thing. I think that it would be useful to open the issues
list here:, so we can track
questions and issues easier.


On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Drasko DRASKOVIC
<drasko.draskovic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi David,
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 10:43 AM, Navarro, David <david.navarro@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Drasko,
>> Sorry for the late reply I'm just back from travel.
>> I think Achim answered all your questions. I would simply add that wakaama focus is on the protocol stack. A production server requires more elements (UI, database, high-level APIs, scripting) which are out of our scope.
> Thanks for the answer. This is what I concluded more or less...
> Maybe UI is ot priority, but it would be nice to see a reference
> implementation of LWM2M server in C/C++, although I think Go would
> maybe be even better solution... It is just my personal opinion,
> because I find Java harder to deploy and maintain - but that's just my
> personal opinion...
> Based on this I decided to give a try to
>, part of
> FiWare project - looks like pretty complete production server that can
> be connected over NGSI
> (
> to other SW components (like pub/sub brokers or security proxies).
> BR,
> Drasko

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