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[viatra-dev] VIATRA Integrated Demonstrator

Hi guys,

I've been working on a case study on integrating all the three modules of the VIATRA stack into one typical MDE workflow:
It was originally created as a case study for an upcoming paper to showcase the essence of such an integrated approach, thus the implementation is really "prototype-like" as compared e.g. to the IncQuery CPS Demonstrator.

I was wondering whether we should create a de facto VIATRA Integrated Demonstrator (similarly to the CPS example now being *the* IncQuery demonstrator) and further elaborate on the current case study, provide a more detailed implementation and make it the part of  the demonstrator. (Later on, we could extend the demonstrator with other case studies, as suggested by the following layout:

This topic is, of course, strongly related to this thread:

As a short-term task: I want to rename the plugins of the case study (currently: "org.eclipse.viatra.cep.examples.sosym.*") and refer to them in the paper appropriately. Question: do you agree that this case study should be a part of an integrated demonstrator? If so, do you agree on referring to it as the "Quick Fix Generation" case study? Other suggestions are very welcome!
Related question: If we agree on having an integrated demonstrator with various case studies, what would be the appropriate location for it? I assume GitHub, but not sure whether it should be (a), or (b) we should create a group.

Although every hint from you is greatly appreciated, feel free not to answer immediately, as I plan to bring these questions to the next meeting on Tuesday.


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