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RE: [ve-dev] dynamic property name



No, this technic I cannot use. Basically, I have widgets, that represents custom application model (each widget represents one ‘node’ in model, similar to GEF EditParts connection to model),

But application model is more specific, so one widget can represent one or more types of model elements.


Now, I need to place appropriate property name to some widget’s property, which is based on value of application model node. It can be custom string

and is not known at compile time.


Any ideas?





From: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Joe Winchester
Sent: 16. prosince 2005 13:06
To: Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
Subject: Re: [ve-dev] dynamic property name


Hi Jan,

If you think of Swing's border property this is typed to a general interface, however once you set it to be a real border then we get the concrete class and the expandable properties in the property sheet become the ones for the given instance.  To see this set various borders like TitledBorder and then expand the properties, then change to another border and the set is different.  java.awt.Container.layout is also the same - it is typed to an interface and the property sheet expands for each real instance based on the concrete one, e.g. Flow or GridBag.

Is this the kind of behavior you want that would work for your colors property ?

Best regards,

Joe Winchester

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