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Re: [ve-dev] Border Layout implementation not working

Hi Rashmi,

>I have added a class path container.  Remembering the above passage for class path from one of the previous mails .I tried to add a proxy.jars. But I am not able to understanding the phenomenon of proxy.jars. Can you please >explain the swt proxy. jars? , So that I would be able to replicate the same for my project. I have attached the proxy. jars document from the plug-in .

The Visual Editor starts a JVM for each editor part.  This contains all of the runtime code required to be able to host the JavaBeans, so it includes everything in the Java project's Java build path, and it also contains any additional code that you might want to put there.  This can include helper classes to assist with things like retrieving images.  Usually for most JavaBeans providers they wouldn't need to put anything in the target JVM.

If you do decide you want to put some helper classes on the target VM this is going to be because you have a custom BeanProxyAdapter (this runs inside the IDE and is responsible for mediating between the IDE and your live JavaBean on the target) and you decide perhaps that rather than making lots of API calls over to the target VM you want to delegate this to a helper class that can run alongside your JavaBean.  

When the Visual Editor starts the target VM it needs to know about your code you want to include in the target VM's -classpath.  At runtime this will be packaged by you as a .jar file.  There are two ways it can be specified so the .jar can be included in the target VM.  The first is to name a container and this is the technique used in the plugin that you can check out of CVS to see how it's done.  For example, in this plugin, the target VM supporting code is built into the file javaexamplebeans.jar.  The plugin.xml looks like


The problem with this is that it assumes that you have the target VM code packaged into a .jar file each time you do Run As>Eclipse Application.  During development this tends not to be the case, because you usually work with the classes and iterate on them each time you test and then do a final build and .jar creation when you're happy with them.  To allow for this you can tell the VE that if it can't find a particular .jar file then it instead should substitute this -classpath entry with a folder.  The folder contains the .class binaries from the Eclipse project where you're doing your work.   In the project this is the /bin folder of the project itself, so proxy.jars loooks like this.


In summary, if a .jar file can't be found when the target VM is launched that has been specified to be included in the -classpath, the VE then looks for a proxy.jars file and if one is found looks for a line that says what should be used instead of the .jar.  It allows .class files present in a /bin folder during development to be used, and when you do a final build you just supply the .jar file and this will get used instead.

Best regards,

Joe Winchester

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