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Re: [ve-dev] Question regarding Layouts

>My question is ,is there any way i can add my layout type there in the drop down, in addition to the existing ones,
>so everyone can see the existing as well as new layouts when, they drop a shell or a composite

Although this is not documented anywhere yet (another tutorial the VE team needs to write up ;-), there are APIs and the capability to add your own layout in VE so it will show up in the drop down list in the property sheet view for the 'layout' property... and if even show up in the (optional) Customize Layout Window. I will attempt to give you some pointers to classes and overrides to help you get started.

The first place to look is the layout.override file in the plugin. It's located in the overrides directory. In your plugin, you will need to create an overrides directory. The directory structure is the same as the package name for the actual class. For example, layout.override is for the class org.eclipse.swt.widgets and is in the directory ...override\org\eclipse\swt\widgets. You will need to create an SWT layout.override file in your plugin (with the same respective directory structure) and put your layout information in the file. VE will automatically pickup this override and add the information to VE's layout.override. BTW... look in the LayoutCellEditor class if you want to see how it's done. The xmi format for the override file varies depending on whether you are using VE 1.1 or the current (under development) VE 1.2. If you use the 1.1 format, you will have to convert it to 1.2 format using a migration tool later on when you move up to VE 1.2 (which is based on Eclipse 3.2). Either version there are key/value pairs in the file and you need to add your layout here. Here's an example of the xmi decorator for RowLayout (1.2 format):
   <objectsToAttach source="" xmi:id="_eAnnotations3" xsi:type="ecore:EAnnotation">
                <details key="" value="org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout"/>
                <details key="" value="RowLayout"/>

There are two important keys defined here:
  1. - the value is the actual class name (i.e. org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout)
  2. - the value is the display name in the property sheet view drop down list (i.e. RowLayout)

In addition to the layout.override file, you will also need to create an override file for the actual layout you have developed and in it you will point to the layout factory to be used by VE for your layout. Put this also in the directory structure to what your layout path is. For example, cool.layouts.MyCoolSWTLayout would be in ...overrides\cool\layouts\MyCoolSWTLayout.override.

A layout factory is an implementation of the class ILayoutPolicyFactory which has various getter methods that return things like the type of layout policy to use in the graph viewer, the layout switcher to use when someone selects your layout, a constraint class that is used if your layout class uses layout data for the children (e.g. RowData for RowLayout), and other methods as well... just check out the javadoc. Looking at an example is the easiest way to find out how to write up your own. Here's the xmi information for RowLayout.override (located in the ...override\org\eclipse\swt\layout directory):
<objectsToAttach xmi:id="_eAnnotations" xsi:type="">
   <keyedValues key=""  
   value="" xsi:type="ecore:EStringToStringMapEntry"/>

The key here is "" and the value will be your own layout policy factory.

To actually use your layout in VE such that you can create, move, delete, and manipulate the SWT controls with a Composite, you will need to create your own edit policy, helper, and container policy... or use some (or all) of the VE policies if they suit your needs. These policies are used primarily to create and execute GEF commands. VE uses commands so that operations can be undone and batched together in a logical manner.

Your layout factory will return the layout policy and policy helper to be used for this purpose and you will need to write these with the respective interfaces. You can use one of the VE classes if you find it performs the behavior you want or you can subclass one of them and just override the methods you need to. VE provides a layout policy which provides basic functions similar to RowLayout and FillLayout. This provides a vertical or horizontal insertion line when dragging controls in the graph viewer.

 You'll may need a policy helper as a common policy for both the beans viewer and the graph viewer. The layout policy usually forwards requests onto the helper policy. The CompositeTreeEditPart.createLayoutPolicyHelper() shows where the helper policy is created. The layout policy also instantiates them. Or just use VE's UnknownLayoutPolicyHelper which VE uses for layouts it doesn't know about.

Initially, you may want to just add one of the VE default layout policies and helpers to get things working in a generic way and then add your own layout policies. You will need to override various functions (add, delete, move, create, etc.).  The simplest layout to look at is probably FillLayout or RowLayout. GridLayout and a null layout are much more complex because of the constraints and feedback mechanisms in place.

Just a little background information that might prove useful in understanding and debugging layout behavior in the graph viewer, VE uses CompositeGraphicalEditPart as the general purpose graphical editpart for Composites. In the createLayoutPolicy method, it gets the 'layout' property and uses some VE utilities to get the layout factory based on the layout. From the factory, it gets the layout policy.

Customize Layout Window
If you want to provide your own layout and/or component page (for layout or layout data, respectively) in the Customize Layout window, you will need to have your own layout policy and point the customize layout window to your own pages. For RowLayout, look in RowLayoutEditPolicy.activate(). At the end of the method there is a statement that defines what page to use for the layout itself:
     CustomizeLayoutWindowAction.addLayoutCustomizationPage(getHost().getViewer(), RowLayoutLayoutPage.class);
Whereas RowLayoutLayoutPage is the GUI page for change RowLayout properties. If you write your own you will need to extend VE's CustomizeLayoutPage.

If you have a page for the layout data (for a child of the composite), you will need to add an additional statement in the activate method of your layout policy. For example, in GridLayoutEditPolicy, there is a page for the layout and the component:
  CustomizeLayoutWindowAction.addLayoutCustomizationPage(getHost().getViewer(), GridLayoutLayoutPage.class);        // for the layout itself
  CustomizeLayoutWindowAction.addComponentCustomizationPage(getHost().getViewer(), GridLayoutComponentPage.class); // for GridData of the child

This layout component page (GridLayoutComponentPage) also extends VE's CustomizeLayoutPage.
Please pay particular attention to the handleSelectionChanged(ISelection oldSelection) method which is called by the VE's Customize window to determine if your page needs to be shown or not when selection changes in the graph or beans view.

In your layout policy, you also need to implement the interface IActionFilter which requires a method
      public boolean testAttribute(Object target, String name, String value)
This is a basic test for actions on the popup menu to determine if Customize Layout... should be added when someone clicks MB2 over a composite with your layout. You will need to add the statements:
        if (name.startsWith(CustomizeLayoutPage.LAYOUT_POLICY_KEY) && value.equals(LAYOUT_ID))
                return true;
        return false;

Whereas the LAYOUT_ID should be your own unique ID for your layout (e.g. RowLayoutEditPolicy's LAYOUT_ID is "org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout").

Good luck and post here if you have further questions.


Peter Walker
Eclipse VE Development

Ameet A Kulkarni/Durham/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/03/2005 10:11 AM

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Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[ve-dev] Question regarding Layouts

      we are currently using the visual editor capabilities in our project. So to extend that, with respect to layouts, that Visual editor provides, like the null, form,grid etc, for the composite /shell containers .We plan to add our own layout to the existing ones.

So when we create a shell or a composite or container, in the properties tab, we see the layout property. It is a drop down containing the existing layouts, My question is ,is there any way i can add my layout type there in the drop down, in addition to the existing ones,so everyone can see the existing as well as new layouts when, they drop a shell or a composite

I figured out a way to add my own property in the properties tab and use it, I am not sure, if new additions can be done to the existing properties..


Lotus Software
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