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RE: [ve-dev] Methods of BeanProxyAdapter

Hi Rich,
Few more questions:
1. When we drop a ULCButton we setText to "ULCButton" using the SetPropertyCreationPolicy. The button show up proprly on the canvas and the free from dialog in the VM but the property setting for the text property does not seem to happen on the VM although it is ok in the model (proprty sheet) and code gen. Only when I add another button to the canvas, the first button's text property is set on the VM and subsequently visible on the canvas.
Could you please explain why the setting of property is queued up on the VM? Is there a way to flush the queue?
In our case, even the setting of other properties in the property sheet is not propogated to the VM, although it is reflected in the model and code. Only if we add a new widget to the canvas, the previously set property is set on the bean in the VM and then canvas reflects the correct picture.
2. In a variable of type ExpressionProxy, what should one be looking for to find out the corresponding BeanProxy it represents on the target VM? Basically how does one examine the _expression_ proxy? what should one look for?
3. When we put a widget on the canvas, CompositionProxyAdapter.notifychanged is called. In this method:
a. Create an _expression_ 
b. initSettings - add methods to be invoked on tgt VM to _expression_ e.g. thru createSimpleMethodInvoke
c. _expression_.invokeExpression - this is where all the queued up methods in _expression_ are executed. I.e. - a bean is created on target VM, it is added to free form dialog, and other properties like visible and location are set on it
Is this correct?
4. Now suppose, in the queued up methods, if one method uses a result from earlier method, how does one handle this?
 -----Original Message-----
From: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Rich Kulp
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 7:24 PM
To: Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
Subject: Re: [ve-dev] Methods of BeanProxyAdapter


"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/27/2005 06:30 AM

Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

"ve-Dev@Eclipse. Org" <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[ve-dev] Methods of BeanProxyAdapter

Hello VE Team,

1. In VE 1.0 we used to override the following methods of BeanProxyAdapter:

applied, cancelled, primInstantiateBeanProxy

Will overriding the same methods from BeanProxyAdapter of VE 1.1 have the
same effect?

--- RLK It depends on what you want to do. Check the javadoc on the methods.
They give explanations of what the methods should do and whether for overridding
you should override a different method. Also, many of your classes are similiar
to the standard JFC classes we provide. Check those proxy adapters that correspond
closely to your type to see what they do.

If not which methods should be used in their place?

2. In VE 1.0 after using primInstantiateBeanProxy, getBeanProxy() returned
the newly instantiated proxy. Does this still hold?

--- RLK Again you do not have a bean proxy UNTIL the _expression_ has been invoked. That
is at a later time. That is why any methods that are passed in an IExpression should
use ExpressionProxies. Look at examples of primInstantiateBeanProxy in other proxy adapters.

3. What is the difference between primInstatiateDroppedPart and
primInstantiateThisPart? Should we be overriding these methods instead of

--- RLK The difference is that primInstantiateDroppedPart is for all parts that
are not the THIS part. The thispart is the one that is being subclassed in the
current editor session. You may need to do something different if it was a
dropped part instead of a this part.

4. In VE SDK, I am seeing a strange behavior,. When I drop JLabel on
the canvas, I see a black rectangle i.e. background, although 204,204,204 in
property sheet, is black on the canvas. Explicitly settin the background
color in property sheet is not reflected on the canvas.

--- RLK I don't the answer to this one.

5. In ComponentProxyAdapter.postInstantiateStuff, VE sets the newly created
beanProxy on componentManager and then adds to freeForm

In the case of ULC VE, I do the following:

                                                  // Get the method proxy to obtain Swing object underlying a ULCWidget

                                                  IProxyMethod getVisualProxyMethod = TargetVmHelper
                                                                                                                      new String[] { "com.ulcjava.base.application.ULCComponent" });

                                                  // Obtain the proxy for Swing object underlying the ULCWidget

                                                  ExpressionProxy visProxy = _expression_.createSimpleMethodInvoke(
                                                                                    getVisualProxyMethod, TargetVmHelper
                                                                                    new IProxy[] { newbean }, true);

                                                  // Set the swing object proxy on component manager

                                                  getComponentManager().setComponentBeanProxy(visProxy, _expression_,

                                 // Get the method proxy for add to FreeForm dialog on VM

                                 IProxyMethod addMethod =
_expression_, "addToFreeForm",
                                                                   new String[] {"com.ulcjava.base.application.ULCComponent"} );

                                 // Add the object to free form

                                                                   new IProxy[] {newbean}, false);

As you can see, I am calling createSimpleMethodInvoke twice on the same
_expression_. Is this ok?

--- RLK No problem at all. Expressions are meant to have as many method calls queued up as needed. They
will eventually be executed in the order you added them to the _expression_.

Thanks and regards,


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