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Re: [ve-dev] Need help on JEM and proxy stuffs.

Hi Xavier,

>Hi, it's my first post here :)

Cool - hopefully it's not your last

>I'm trying to extend VE to support my company's
>proprietary graphic toolkit. The problem is, it's
>actually a server-side library so its widgets don't
>actually extend any of the AWT/Swing/SWT classes and
>it's not even possible to instantiate them outside the
>GUI server.

So if your classes don't extend AWT or SWT are they Java classes ?
At the moment the VE works by having a Java design time representation
of the parsed code.  Most of the time the design time representation is the
runtime set of widgets, so if the code is for Swing the design time VE
uses Swing, SWT uses SWT, etc...  For the cases where the runtime isn't Java
there is one team extending the VE that have created their own set of SWT peers
that match those of their runtime, and the reason they can do this is because their
particular language runtime uses native widgets so SWT was a good match.

If your runtime isn't Java what is it ?  

>So my question is,
>(1) Is it possible to extend VE without using the
>actual target widget instances? (i.e. replacing them
>with vanilla java beans with similar properties)

Yes - I think what you're angling at is the preferred technique to do what you want, which is
to fake out the target VM so that the design time classes are a set of classes that have the same
visual characteristics as the runtime, but can piggy back the VE framework that allows rendering
into GEF and layout manager stuff.

>(2) Is there any reference or related documents on JEM
>and* stuffs? Could anyone
>explain to me what does /vm/jbcfswtvm.jar and
>/vm/jfcvm.jar do or how they're called from VE?

For the JEM documentation we don't have a lot.  The best place to look is probably to do the visual editor tutorial
that touches on the model.  There is a tutorial being put together at the moment that covers the model in more depth
and we'll post to this newsgroup once it is ready for review.
The two jars you mentioned are because the VE starts a target VM for each classe edited, and there is supporting
code that is put into the target VM to support particular runtimes.  The two you have listed are for swt and the jfc widget
libraries.  If you create a development environment and attach to /home/tools and and connect with user
id of anonymous you can check out the ve-dev module from cvs.  This contains the plugins that make up the VE and in this
you will fine and  Each of these contains the code for each toolkit and there are some source folders with the words vm in them, such as vm_jfcvm and these are what get packaged into the jar files you mention.
When the VE starts it looks at the Java buildpath of the project and if it determines that either SWT or JFC are there it
then adds the supporting VE code - the classes to look at are and
Both of these sit on the IDE side and manipulat the arguments to the javaw.exe that is started to create the final target VM

>Any kind of answers, references, or comments that
>might be able to enlighten me to get out of this
>problem will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in

If you could provide more information on your widget toolkit that'd help us.  You said it is proprietary, but are the any
docs or references that'd help to show how a "Hello World" examples works and how it can be constructed and also how much, if any,
Java is in it ?

Best regards,

Joe Winchester

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