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RE: [ve-dev] Codegen for GridBagConstraint

Hi Rich,
Is it possible to chat with you? If so on what messenger (MS, Skype, Yahoo...).
I will appreciate if you can give some time where I can explain what is happening in our model and code.
Thanks and regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Rich Kulp
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 12:48 AM
To: Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
Subject: RE: [ve-dev] Codegen for GridBagConstraint


Sorry but you can't do that. A property setting of an object will always be in that object's initialize method. There is no way to put it anywhere else. That is how the decoders know that it is a property setting for initialization, it is in the same method. If it was in a different method it would be ignored and assumed it was a runtime setting that would occur due to an event. If we didn't do that and just picked it up from any method we would get into trouble because we would think settings are being applied during initialization that aren't initialization settings.

But I'm confused. You set the constraints is a setting on the ULCLabel, but you don't set it on the label, you send it into the add(label, constraint) instead. You can't have it both ways.

Also I don't know why you are getting an NPE. It should of put it into the initialize method fine. Gili will need to check that one out.


"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/28/2005 10:04 PM

Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

"Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project" <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [ve-dev] Codegen for GridBagConstraint

Hi Rich,

>>> RK >>
Yes, the "constraint" must not be containment="true". As I mentioned in my
just sent previous note IJavaInstances must always be containment="false"
while non-IJavaInstances (such as our intermediate object) must be

As for your constraint feature, you said it could be a String or
GridBagConstraint. It should be a IJavaInstance kind of String, not just a
plain string because you can't mix non-IJavaInstances and IJavaInstances on
the same feature.

I would also just set the constraint before setting the label into the
container and only use the ruled on the label being set into container.
Saves a little time so that the preset doesn't walk the same stuff twice.


I am doing what you suggested:

1. On ULCComponent override, for "containment" SF (you refered to it as
constraint above), set "containment=false".

2.  Create JavaObjectInsance for GriBagConstraints and set a feature gridX
to -1

 Command1: ApplyAttribute: Set "containment" SF on ULCLabel with the above
GridBagconstraints object
 Command2: Ruled command: set "components" SF on ULCGridBagLayoutPane with

Now while executing the VCEPreset command (command 2 above). It walks
starting with ULCGridBagContainer, ULCLabel, and GridBagConstrints.

It treats GridbagConstraint like a Property and tries to create a local var.
But while doing so it throws an exception (see log file in attachment). The
methodRef for the MemberDecoderAdapter is null.

I feel the problem is that it tries to create the init for GBConstraints in
ULCLabel's init method (getUlcLabel method) because parent of GBConstraint
is ULCLabel.

But is not what I want. I want the local var in the init method of
GridBagLayoutPane as shown below. How do I achieve this?

ULCGridBagLayoutPane getUlcGBLP() {

                if (gblp == null) {
         gblp = new ULCGridBagLayoutPane();
         gbc = new GBConstraints();

         gblp.add(getUlcLabel(), gbc);
     return gblp;

IN Swing:

It creates ConstComp (CC)  GBConstraints set to "constraint" SF.

Then it creates two commands:

 Command1: ApplyAttribute: Set "component" SF on CC with JLabel.

 Command2: Ruled command: set "components" SF on JPanel (with GBLayout)
with CC.

VCEPreset walks CC and then JLabel and GBConstraints and creates the local
var for GBConstraints in getJPanel method.

The parent for GBConstraint is CC.


Thanks and regards,

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