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Re: [ve-dev] Some quirks

On Tuesday 23 November 2004 09:58 am, Carlos Pita wrote:
> * The visual editor open new (top-level) windows.
>      - For SWT apps, they show the content of the editor.
>      - For JFC apps, they are invisible and only add a button to the task
> bar. In any case I think they shouldn't be there.

VE actually runs the code and then screen-scrapes the resulting image for 
displaying in the editor.  That's why you see those windows--its your code 
being run in real-time.

> * Another related bug is that when the top-level mentioned above appears,
>   I'm not able to switch my desktops, I'm stucked in the current one until
>   I close the visual editor and the related window is closed with it.

That's a known bug on Linux/GTK with certain window managers.  I believe it's 
fixed now in CVS.

> * In a SWT shell with Grid Layout:
>      - The grid is not visible (when I check show grid in the context menu)

This grid is for XYLayout.  When you drop a new control, you should see the 
grid (no matter what the "show grid" setting is) along with an indication of 
where in the grid the new control will be inserted.

>      - I can't put more than one widget in the shell (although I can do
> that trough the beans tab). After the first widget is there I get an
> X-shaped icon all over the surface of the shell when trying to add a
> second.

I'm running LInux/GTK too and haven't seen this.  Maybe someone else will jump 
in here.  If you think you've found a bug, please file a bug report.

Also, for future reference, this type of thread (usage-related questions) 
really belongs on the newsgroup.  This mailing list is for those who are 
developing VE itself.


Dave Orme
Got Java?  Use SWTworkbench! <>

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