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[udig-dev] WMT Plugin and WMSC Implementations

Hello everybody,

I had a look at the codebase while I was trying to get an application running with Tile Support (OSM, Nasa Worldwind, and so on) but without WMS capabilities.

Now I'm a bit lost regarding semantic in code: What is the difference between WMTTileSetWrapper (catalog.wmt) and WMSTileSet (catalog.wmsc)? How to access such services (tiled=true required for both)? What is the difference from user perspective?

I'm asking myself if its worth to make Tile-Support plug-able? providing core functionality in a catalog tile plugin whereas specific implementations for Nasa Worldwind, OSM , etc would be provided by separate bundles.

Would this also help to support Vector-Tiles much easier with gt-mbtiles plugin? Have you ever used it to render map images on the client side?

Many Thanks in advance

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