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Re: [udig-dev] uDig port to Eclipse 4 (using compatibility layer)

Thanks Jody for the comments! I added an Upgrade Page to the wiki :  feel free to add notes and comments

- Frank

2014-05-22 14:14 GMT+02:00 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>:
Good research Frank, I expect we should take notes on a wiki or google doc.

Initial impression going through the list you found:

1) Platform keyring implementation removed

We are not managing credentials at the moment, although we have a spot in IService workflow to insert the use of a security service to look up passwords. Looks like is the target.

not applicable.

2) Compatibility bundles for Eclipse 1.0-2.1 removed

We are not quite that old!

3) Bundle removed

They replaced tomcat with Jetty, chances are we update some dependencies. Since we depend on it may be easy to figure out what the new dependencies are.

3) Update Manager bundles removed

This was a problem when I did my accidental update - I ended up commenting out the install new plugins menu option. Careful reading shows this is only removed from the SDK, the target platform may still be able to grab them.

Options: Migrate to P2, document use of dropins folder, or update target platform file.

4) Presentation API no longer functional

We did not use this functionality (allows you to mess with look and feel).

5) Workbench window advisor can no longer customize window creation

We may need to check our udig advisor, as this functionality was intended for RCP apps such as uDig. That said I am not sure we made use of these facilities (it allows you to make funny shaped windows and so forth).

6) Servlet 3.0 and Jetty 8

not applicable.

Jody Garnett

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 7:27 AM, Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just as a reminder for us: "Incompatibilities between Eclipse 3.7 and 4.2" and the potential tasks for our migration:

- Frank

2014-05-22 13:01 GMT+02:00 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>:

We would certainly love the help :-)

There looks to be two aspects to moving to E4:
a) updating target platform, building and testing in eclipse. When accidentally did this I found a few issues with lists (such as the layers view)
b) tycho build. Frank would know more what is involved here.

We also have something we are new at - asking your contact Tom to sign the Eclipse Foundation paper work. The link is and we can try and answer any questions.

Jody Garnett

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 3:48 AM, Moser-Spitzenstaetter Ludwig <L.Spitzenstaetter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Dev’s,


Some time ago i requested the change of uDig to the  ‚next level‘

Some people agreed that this would be a nice step as the version of Eclipse (which uDig is using now) is like 4 years old.


Our company is in need for this ‚step‘ so we contacted a company near ( us (thanks to Andrew Ross for establishing contact)


The meeting with Tom Schindl ( was promising.

We agreed to let him investigate what is needed for this change.

Hopefully this will be within our budget.


I noticed that going E4 is on the roadmap for uDig 2 already, so we will contribute this step.


Looking forward for a great cooperation between us and the development team at LocationTech.


Greetings from Austria


Ludwig Spitzenstätter




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