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[udig-dev] Oracle GeoRaster contribution

I have been chatting a bit with Ivan off list, and his work is available here:

I did not see anything too scary in my review:

a) <-- article that appears to be committed by accident
b) Same with  plugins/sqlnet.log
c) OracleRasterResource(parent, details, params) <-- is it actually easier to pass in "details" rather than params? Or are these details directly usable by the format.getReader ??

Ivan is working with oracle (which has signed a contributor agreement) so I believe we can accept this initial patch.

As for Ivan's question (stuck at the end of the last thread) - does format.getReader( source ) always need a file?

1) Sometimes source can take an input stream,  in which case you could create an in memory input stream?
2) We could even ask if passing in the data structure object would be appropriate? 
3) Failing that I recommend creating a temporary file as needed

Perhaps ask on geotools-user list ... 

Jody Garnett

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