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Re: [udig-dev] Batchtool for generation of index files ?

Hi Stephan,

> the following will do the trick :
> $java -cp gt-shapefile-8-SNAPSHOT.jar
> path-to-your-shapefile

that means you can also run this from the scripting console, which
might be nice, since directly from uDig.

First you collect your shapefiles in a list and then maybe something like:

shpList.each{ file ->

I never used the indexer, so the syntax might be wrong, but it should
be as simple as that.


> You need the following jars in your path file :
> gt-data-8-SNAPSHOT.jar
> gt-main-8-SNAPSHOT.jar
> gt-api-8-SNAPSHOT.jar
> jts-1.12.jar
> gt-referencing-8-SNAPSHOT.jar
> vecmath-1.3.2.jar
> gt-metadata-8-SNAPSHOT.jar
> gt-opengis-8-SNAPSHOT.jar
> jsr-275-1.0-beta-2.jar
> regards, Stephan
> ________________________________
> Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:21:20 +1100
> Subject: Re: [udig-dev] Batchtool for generation of index files ?
> From: jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx
> To: stephandeckers@xxxxxxxxxxx
> CC: udig-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Simply reading the shapefile with GeoTools should create an index (they have
> a connection parameter that can be used to avoid creating an index if you
> want). So if you are a Java developer you could make a quick program using
> GeoTools. If you are familiar with another language you may wish to look at
> GeoScript to accomplish the same goal.
> Perhaps what you could do is just import the shapefile to the uDig catalog
> (and then right click to count the features or something). As long as it is
> doing that work in the background (and now while trying to draw the screen)
> uDig should remain responsive.
> Jody Garnett
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Stephan Deckers
> <stephandeckers@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using FME to create ESRI-shapes from Oracle spatial, the resulting
> datasets have become quit big and if uDig encounters a new dataset it will
> try to recreate the indexfile. During this process, data in this dataset is
> not displayed and uDig becomes very unresponsive. Once the indexfile is
> created, everything is fine.
> I'm now distributing my newly created indexfiles together with my new
> datafiles to my users, but is there some tool to create these index-files
> outside of uDig, so I can automate this process ?
> thanks, Stephan
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