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Re: [udig-dev] Batchtool for generation of index files ?

Hi Jody,

the following will do the trick :

$java -cp gt-shapefile-8-SNAPSHOT.jar path-to-your-shapefile

You need the following jars in your path file :


regards, Stephan

Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:21:20 +1100
Subject: Re: [udig-dev] Batchtool for generation of index files ?
From: jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx
To: stephandeckers@xxxxxxxxxxx
CC: udig-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Simply reading the shapefile with GeoTools should create an index (they have a connection parameter that can be used to avoid creating an index if you want). So if you are a Java developer you could make a quick program using GeoTools. If you are familiar with another language you may wish to look at GeoScript to accomplish the same goal.

Perhaps what you could do is just import the shapefile to the uDig catalog (and then right click to count the features or something). As long as it is doing that work in the background (and now while trying to draw the screen) uDig should remain responsive.

Jody Garnett

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Stephan Deckers <stephandeckers@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm using FME to create ESRI-shapes from Oracle spatial, the resulting datasets have become quit big and if uDig encounters a new dataset it will try to recreate the indexfile. During this process, data in this dataset is not displayed and uDig becomes very unresponsive. Once the indexfile is created, everything is fine. 

I'm now distributing my newly created indexfiles together with my new datafiles to my users, but is there some tool to create these index-files outside of uDig, so I can automate this process ?

thanks, Stephan

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