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Re: [udig-dev] Minutes from "Status and Tasks for uDig to LocationTech Migration" Meeting

1. alternatives to write migration scripts
I contacted a Bredex guy who refactored for initial contribution of Jumula. I was asking him whether he has used scripts or something like that to move to org.eclipse namespace for packages, bundle and feature names, extension-points, etc

Sadly he said, that he used the PDE Tools to refactor the codebase and need around a week to finish.

I remembered, thanks for asking him. I think we have a good strategy going forward, and you have made excellent progress writing scripts.

2. udig-platform and udig-community repositories
We should:
- delete the current locationtech_ip branch to avoid confusions

Yes, only thing to "save" is the script, even if we just save it as an attachment to Jira.

- master is the (build-able) codebase we can start with
  - creating a renaming branch (or take the partly migrated UDIG-2006 branch and rename it)
     UDIG-2006 branch:
     -  branched from master
     - should be build-able because only bundle/feature names (including update of .project, pom.xml's, feature.xml's, and *.MF files)   

Check it it can be merged first? If not create a new branch and cherry-pick your UDIG-2006 branch changes over.

  - bugfixing issues coming from JIRA/Mailing lists
- move the JAI feature source project from to udig-community repository

We do not have to do this until after the renaming, i.e. after a 2.0-alpha is tagged.

- Do we move the nsis installer scripts to udig-community repository as well?

As above, focus on renaming, we do not have to move anything until after a 2.0-alpha is tagged.

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