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Re: [udig-dev] Minutes from "Status and Tasks for uDig to LocationTech Migration" Meeting

While reading the lines I had some additions I was not able to talk about (we run out of time):

1. alternatives to write migration scripts
I contacted a Bredex guy who refactored for initial contribution of Jumula. I was asking him whether he has used scripts or something like that to move to org.eclipse namespace for packages, bundle and feature names, extension-points, etc

Sadly he said, that he used the PDE Tools to refactor the codebase and need around a week to finish.

2. udig-platform and udig-community repositories

We should:
- delete the current locationtech_ip branch to avoid confusions
- master is the (build-able) codebase we can start with
  - creating a renaming branch (or take the partly migrated UDIG-2006 branch and rename it)
     UDIG-2006 branch:
     -  branched from master
     - should be build-able because only bundle/feature names (including update of .project, pom.xml's, feature.xml's, and *.MF files)   
  - bugfixing issues coming from JIRA/Mailing lists
- move the JAI feature source project from to udig-community repository

- Do we move the nsis installer scripts to udig-community repository as well?



2013/10/28 Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Here are the notes from the Skype-Meeting we had tonight (thanks Jody for typing while talking):

uDig Meeting


* What have we done
* Which branch are we using for renaming to
* any pre-steps to prepare? e.g. cleanup locationtech_ip, synch changes from master into this, create a renaming branch from head of locationtech_ip we can merge once its done...
* task management - JIRA :) , just droping mails :(
* who can help?

What have we done

1) Before Code Sprint
* master <-- had fixes applied from Emily
* locationtech: <-- all progress here

2) During Code Sprint
* master: was destroyed
* locationtech: <-- had fixes cherry-picked (as we could not merge)

3) After Code Sprint
* master: was replaced with locationtech (with all IP fixes)
* locationtech: was created from master
(was started again to work on package rename, was created, two plugins refactored by hand)

4) After After Code Sprint
* master: had build fixes applied
* locationtech: this branch is now stuck (has changes that conflict with master build fixes)

2.0-alpha (from refractions)

- this is the community version while we wait for eclipse process to finish
- perform the locationtech package rename here
- release a 2.0-alpha with org.locationtech.udig
- this is a stable target for moovida to work against
- this header still says Refractions, BSD, etc...
- including JAI + ImageIO
- releases an installer with complete JRE, gdal binaries, JAI Feature

locationtech_ip (we want this to last five minuets while we complete the eclipse process)
- create this from master after rename
- update the headers (change to Eclipse Foundation)
- this is our initial contribution that we can only release from org.locationtech once review is completed

2.0-beta (from locationtech)
- no longer used

- has eclipse headers
- Requires JAI and ImageIO be available (ie in the execution environment)
- NSIS Installer requires JRE be downloaded under user control

- JAI Feature: including JAI + ImageIO (moved from - Yes)
  (This is published to refractions P2 repository for custom product builds)
- releases cross-platform products (ZIP's)
- release an Windows-installer with complete JRE, gdal binaries, JAI Feature (for use in Africa)
- this uses the udig-platform and provides unofficial installers downloadable from Refractions


Q: uDig release?

A: Official uDig SDK deployed to p2 and download made available from LocationTech
- Jody would still like to make an example application avaialble from LocationTech
- Sample Application may need to wait until we have an installer that can download a JRE
We can make an zip download (that requires manual instructions to download)

A: uDig Desktop application (that includes JRE/JAI/ImageIO) download from Refraction
- This is the installer with bundled JRE that can be used in Africa

Q: Cross Platform Installer?
A: We do not have one right now

Q: What do people download?
- udig-2.0-beta.exe (this will be "brought to you by Refractions")

Q: Can we build this on locationtech hardware?
A: Not sure, probaly can from a quality assurance standpoint. The limitation is we cannot allow people to download Oracle JRE from Eclipse Foundation Servers.
A: May not be able to do this during a nightly build, as the result would be available in a target folder on eclipse servers

Q: Can we publish an installer with the name "uDig" under the Refraction banner? License issues withe the product name?
A: Should be fine BIRT does similar stuff, license is fine, if they ask us to use a different product name then we will, but all the installer does is install a normal uDig

LocationTech Meeting Summary

Roadshow is having great reach, similar to a conference, for sponsors.

Task Management

Stratagy: Change Projects and Namespaces to org.locationtech.udig
- Make sub-tasks in Jira to organise stuff.

- frank has a branch where he tried stuff UDIG-2006
  rename bundle names, and project name, MANIFEST.MF, pom.xml, feature.xml, plugin.xml etc..


- andrea tried refactoring in eclipse <-- it was terrible

1) Change build structure

This is what frank has done on UDIG-2006 branch :

Frank used the following shell scripts : 
 - rename bundles and features :

2) Change package structure

- use git mv to change package structure
  git mv net/refractions/udig org/locationtech/
- search and replace to fix code (use or similar)

Jody recommends creating a file by hand to do all the "git mv" commands, rather then make a fancy script

Q: Can we do this on master? Or make a rename branch .. and then merge back to master.

Frank +1
Jody +1
Andrea +1

Who Can Help

Q: What time frame?
Work party: time shift with Australia and Europe?
Jody is available after Nov 5th

Q: Stratagy
- go through tasks to get the restructure done
- Andrea and Jody can have a work party after the restructure after to put it back together

Q: About plugin.xml and extension points
A: SED script blindly renamed those

Q: About EMF Model
A: SED script blindly renamed those, Jody may have to revert and fix by hand


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