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[udig-devel] Locationtech IP Review : ui.test bundle and containing libs

Hello everybody,

I had a look at ui.test bundle with inner libs folder containing hamcrest.core and hamcrest.library jars. Have a look at the initial issue : 

I'm wondering why these libs are still in classpath and included in general because neither packages are exported nor used in the bundle itself.

My suggestion : remove libs and update .classpath files

In the future if we like to use hamcrest unit-test matchers we can reference hamcrest bundles coming from Eclipse Orbit Repository.

How about org.objenesis jar in the same bundle? Its in classpath but I couldn't find references (imports) in the bundle itself. Packages from this jar are not exported as well.

Las but not least : Same with cglib-nodep jar file. Added to classpath but no references in bundle itself, packages are not exported ether.

Would you agree to remove the following jars?

* lib/hamcrest-core-1.1.jar,

* lib/hamcrest-library-1.1.jar,

* lib/objenesis-1.0.jar

 Are these libs maybe required by jmock having these libs in classpath at runtime? 

Thanks a lot,

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