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Re: [udig-devel] Gsoc 2013 Project idea

Hey Andrea,
sorry for not clearing out things before. This is what i suggest:
Making a Vector tool box for udig which can support the following functionality:

1.Exporting Geometry of a shapefile or adding to its attributes: The Geometry for each entity(line/point/polygon) in the shapefile can be exported or added to the attribute table corresponding to that entity.
2. Tool for creating Delaunay triangles from a points data shapefile.
3. Tool for creating Voronoi Polygons from a point data shapefile.
4. Tool to simplify the geometries of polygons and polylines.
5. Exporting the nodes from polygons and lines, or lines from polygons
6. Analysis tools like: 
   a. Distance Table matrix for points: It will create a matrix showing distance between every pair of points the in shapefile. 
    b.Points in a polygon: It will tell which points lie within a polygon and which doesn't.
    c.Others like: Listing unique values in a specified attribute, giving basic statistics, regarding the data like Mean value, standard deviasion, min, max values etc.
7. Operations like finding the convex hull of a set of points can be added to the Axios tool extension as well.  

For implementing such tools, there are two ways, one is to develop the standard algorithms from scratch for operations like Delaunay triangles, Voronoi Polygons, or the other way is to use the support library that udig uses 'JTS', which supports some of the operations mentioned above, and then link it to the visualization. And other operations are quite straight forward to implement.

As far now, i haven't done any uDig development, but i can learn fast. I am comfortable in using java, and have used the eclipse sdk before.

Operations that i found that udig supports:
1. Polygons Centroid.
2. Converting lines or points to polygon.
3. Spatial Operations like union, intersection, etc. (implemented in Axios tools)


On 10 April 2013 19:54, andrea antonello <andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Vishal,

> I was thinking if implementing some kind of Vector tools for udig,like
> geometry,analysis,research tools(similar to ftools in QGIS)  can be a
> possible Gsoc project.

well that is not exactly what I was implying when asking you to
present your idea.
We had students coming in with great ideas that were very blurry and
then were not finished at all.

So if you want to gain interest for potential mentors in this
community, you should elaborate and show that you really thought about

What is it you want to create?
Which tools?
Do you have skills to understand how to build the tools outside of uDig?
Do you know any of uDig development?
Do you know if there are already some tools that do the same? Or maybe
the Axios tools that need to be ported might be some code already done
for that and would just need to be migrated?

>From what you write in your email I do not understand what you want to
do and what skills you have to do so.


> Thanks,
> Vishal Tiwari
> Undergraduate
> Computer Science and Engineering
> Lab for Spatial Informatics
> IIIT-Hyderabad
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Vishal Tiwari
Computer Science and Engineering
Lab for Spatial Informatics

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