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[udig-devel] Contents of the uDig Git repo and the initial contribution

I'm moving this discussion out of the initial contribution CQ...

This sort of conversation is generally appropriate for a "dev" list in my world. I'm assuming that it is appropriate discussion for the udig-devel list as well. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I've copied the following discussion out of the CQ and have offered some replies inline.

Here is the list of directories that can be dropped:

* extras/ (only the branding elements out of need to
be salvaged)
* scripts/ (PDE Build scripts, replaced by Tycho + deploy scripts)
The devel/ directory contains some "installer" bits that appear to be NullSoft installer-specific. This potentially makes the NullSoft installer a third-party dependency that is subject to the IP Due Diligence process. I'm not sure about whether or not the distribution license is acceptable. This will require some additional investigation.

If the intent is just to provide scripts that can be used to generate the installer, but not actually distribute the results, then we may be able to get away with a "works with" CQ (see discussion below). If the intent is to distribute the installer, then we have some work to do.
> Here's the list of JARs that I found:
> ./docs/devel/en/net.refractions.udig.sld.export_1.0.0.jar

I am not sure what this is - it appears to be an accident.
If it's not required, then it should be removed from the initial contribution. By virtue of it being a JAR, I believe that Sharon has already removed it.

> ./plugins/eu.udig.catalog.csw/libs/csw-client_2.9.1-1.0-SNAPSHOT.min.jar

I think this is generated from lib/scala-csw-client
What is lib/scala-csw-client ? Is it project code? Is it distributed with uDig builds?
> ./plugins/com.csvreader/javacsv.jar

This is used for a tutorial (not the production app) and is an LGPL jar, as
such I expect it to be replaced.
You can remove the plugin and we will deal with the tutorial being broken.

> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai.macosx/src/net/refractions/udig/jai_core.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai.macosx/src/net/refractions/udig/jai_codec.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai.macosx/src/net/refractions/udig/clibwrapper_jiio.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai.macosx/src/net/refractions/udig/jai_imageio.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai.macosx/src/net/refractions/udig/mlibwrapper_jai.jar

Third-party CQs needed (and it will be a pain).
Should we pull the tutorial source as well, or would you rather keep it with the project?

Perhaps the tutorial can remain on GitHub.

FWIW, some work has been done on jai_imageio, but there was some problematic code. At some point--should you choose to pursue it--we can just open a CQ and get IP team to help us sort out what needs to be done.
> ./plugins/org.apache.log4j/log4j-1.2.12.jar

Third-party CQs needed.
Version 1.2.13 and 1.2.15 are both approved. Can you just update to one of those versions?
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.catalog.arcsde/lib/icu4j-3.2+.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.catalog.arcsde/lib/jsde_sdk-9.2+.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.catalog.arcsde/lib/jpe_sdk-9.2+.jar

See readme.txt in that directory - these are placeholder jars.
I assume that you mean that these are placeholders for third party JARs that may or may not be present. If a third party library may be leveraged if it is present but the project is otherwise functional without that library, you'd need a "works with" CQ.

These are described in the Third party libraries policy:

The short version is the the project's PMC needs to discuss and approve the "works with" use in a public forum (normally the PMC mailing list) and unanimously decide that the use is reasonable before approving the CQ.

> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui.tests/lib/jmock-2.3.0-RC2.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui.tests/lib/jmock-junit3-2.3.0-RC2.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui.tests/lib/cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui.tests/lib/objenesis-1.0.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui.tests/lib/hamcrest-library-1.1.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui.tests/lib/hamcrest-core-1.1.jar

Third-party CQs needed? Although I think hamcrest should be available from the
eclipse target platform?
The policy is that you need a CQ for each third-party JAR directly used by the project or by any other third-party JAR. If the JAR is inherited through another Eclipse or LocationTech project, but is not directly used by uDig, then you don't require a CQ. Hamcrest tends to included by virtue of making direct use of JUnit. In this case, you would require a CQ, because your test code makes direct use of JUnit (a third-party library). If uDig instead had a indirect dependency on Hamcrest by virtue of a direct dependency on the org.eclipse.platform bundle (a completely made-up example), then you wouldn't need to the CQ. Make sense?
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.libs.db2/libs/db2jcc_license_cu.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.libs.db2/libs/db2jcc.jar

Thrid-party CQ is needed? I am under the impression these are placeholder jars.
I expect that this falls under the "works with" discussion above.

> ./plugins/
> ./plugins/

Thrid-party CQ is needed? I am under the impression these are placeholder jars.
Oracle for the longest time required a click-through license for their JDBC

"Works with" ?

> ./plugins/com.lowagie.itext/lib/itextasian-1.5.2.jar
> ./plugins/com.lowagie.itext/lib/iText-2.1.7.jar

Third-party CQs needed?  Our intension was to hang back on whatever version is
approved for BIRT.
A "piggyback" CQ is needed if you're directly accessing the libraries. CQ 1537 covers iText 1.45.2 and CQ 3475 covers iText 2.1.7.

> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai/src/net/refractions/udig/jai_core.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai/src/net/refractions/udig/jai_codec.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai/src/net/refractions/udig/clibwrapper_jiio.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai/src/net/refractions/udig/jai_imageio.jar
> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.jai/src/net/refractions/udig/mlibwrapper_jai.jar

Repeat of above.
i.e. they are not required?

> ./plugins/net.refractions.udig.catalog.wmt/mq.jar

Third-party CQs needed - we can talk to Jesse Eichar to identify the jar.

> ./features/
> ./features/

Remove - I am not sure what these are for.
They look like p2 artifacts. Frank suggested (on the CQ) that a .gitignore entry should be created for these.

> ./scripts/swt-tools.jar
> ./extras/org.apache.maven-ant-tasks/lib/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.0.jar

These can both be removed as they have been replaced by maven tycho.
Is there any related code that can also be removed? Anything that we can take off the IP team's plate will make the approval process run faster.

Feel free to carve this up into separate threads as appropriate.


Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
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