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Re: [udig-devel] Set Color to a Filter

You would create a new layer, and either:
- Put the filter on the style blackboard, it will be used to only request that content, you can then style that layer like normal (with a different colour). There is a user interface for users to do this now, so you can try out what this looks …
- Define a style with a single rule, and use your filter so the rule only draws your "selected" features

We do something similar internally, the selection for a layer is defined as a filter, and we draw the main content in one layer, and then the selected content "on top".

Jody Garnett

On Tuesday, 5 February 2013 at 8:53 PM, suryakant bhagat wrote:

    I have a Map. I select an area on the Map(i.e. the Filter 'org.opengis.filter.Filter'). I would like to set a different color to the Filter(different than the Map). How do I go about implemeting this in UDig?

Suryakant B
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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